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Participantmy Excel About says “Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (12.0.6565.5003) SP2 MSO (12.0.6425.1000)”.
i am in a corporate environment and the IT department controls all software so i'm not sure if i can get anything newer installed.
in any case, it looks like it's nothing that SQLyog can fix. thanks for checking!
Participantah, yes, thank you. we are running v5.0.45 🙁
Participantah, i just found something! if i turn off the Profiler, i don't get the error.
Participanthi. i just noticed that this behavior has not changed. i don't think it's a very high priority, but i thought i would check if you still plan to address it. thanks.
Participant'dyanc' wrote:… In a “category” column, we enter the focus of each contact – News, Politics, Health, Family, etc. (info is entered using shorter forms, i.e. N, POL, FAM, HL). We have some cases where one person will fall into more than one category, and I've been told that I can enter more than one category with a comma between (i.e., N, POL, HL). …
if the categories are well-defined and don't change often, you could use the SET datatype for the column. you can search for categories using something like “WHERE find_in_set('POL',category)”. yes, you can have multiple values in the column, all the way up to every category.
i'm not saying this is ideal–some people hate using sets–but i think it would work and might be sufficient for your purposes. MySQL doc for SET datatype can be found here.
Participantthank you all for the answers. i understand the issue. i'm not sure i have any alternatives, it just seems to me that the table alias name will not work (unless it happens to be identical to the real table name) so isn't too useful.
anyway, thanks!
Participantwe do not use Wine. we use WinXP Professional SP3.
that's odd, i see the correct characters in your msg, but i see the square boxes in my msg and on my PC. this part of the help file is the only place i see the boxes. well, it's not a big deal, i just thought if there was something wrong with the help file maybe someone could take a look at it, but that's probably not necessary.
thanks for adding the request!
Participantthank you so much for trying to reproduce this. since it seems to be a very rare occurrence, and since we have a workaround, we feel it is not worth continuing to try to figure out what is happening.
thanks again!
Participantfrom our admin/architect:
Quote:MySQL 5.0.45 (Community Version) on master and minion.
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) 5.5 on the master, RHEL 5.2 on the minion.
Participant'Aparna' wrote:Could you please check in the MySQL.ini file if the 'binlog_ignore' statement is being used and inform us about the same? Thanks!
here is the response from our admin/architect:
Quote:Yup, we do things a little funky. We don't actually use binary-ignore-db, we use replicate-wild-do-table, but the effect is the same, except it is inclusionary rather than exclusionary.does that help?
Participant'peterlaursen' wrote:However there is one thing more. Do you have a Windows domain-based network where user profiles are stroed on the domain server?
our profiles are stored on each user's local machine.
Participantour system administrator is on vacation. i will ask about 'binlog_ignore' when he returns sometime next week. (if this is something that i can find on my own as a regular, non-privileged user, please let me knw and i will look.)
Participanthaha, you edited my comments too much! 🙂
'peterlaursen' wrote:“we depend on … adding the database name to the UPDATE command generated by SQLyog”. Why if a use statement was generated? Does replication fail to *use the USE statement* (on slave)?
here is my original quote, with irrelevant text struck out
'smine' wrote:… we depend on the default database to be set (USE database_name)
andadding the database name to the UPDATE commandgenerated by SQLyog (after modifying data in the Results Grid)is not sufficient for replication to work. …you are correct that SQLyog issues a USE command. it also prefixes the database_name to the UPDATE comand which is why i mentioned it. whether the database name is in the UPDATE or not in the UPDATE doesn't matter, we expect the USE command to set the default database.
but that doesn't matter, because yes, i believe the issue we are seeing is the same as…?showtopic=5473. i do not know if we have 'binlog_ignore'. we are running MySql 5.0.xx (multiple flavors of 5.0).
Participantthanks. i understand what you are saying, but it is unlikely our users will create multiple connections with custom sets of databases. in our environment, this is cumbersome.
turning off “show suggstion as you type in editor” helps a little bit.
one big complaint is when i type “[database_name].[table_name]”. after i type the database name and then the period, SQLyog pauses for a long period of time before presenting the list of table names. it paused for 34 seconds when i just tried this 5 minutes ago. it doesn't seem to happen every time, maybe just the first database_name reference? every time i close/start SQLyog? i am not sure, but it happens frequently enough that people notice and complain to me about it. so i am complaining to you about it .:)
Participant'nithin' wrote:We have fixed this issue and released 9.0 Beta2.
Can you confirm this into your envirment and let us know the status.
i cannot make this occur. thanks!