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It is there. Click twice on a cell where a FK constrant applies and an “…” button will appear. Please see image.
Release notes of SQLyog 9.0 (April 2011):Features:— Added an option (in GRID and FORM view) to look up/search valid values for columns having Foreign Key CONSTRAINTS.February 4, 2015 at 12:33 pm in reply to: Ascii Symbols Shown In Datetime Column Values Of Mysql #35191peterlaursenParticipantAlso please provide a dump of a table where it is reproducible. If you don’t want to post it here you can mail it to [email protected]. The dump must be UTF8-encoded. Use mysqldump or SQLyog to create the dump.
I believe the application does some client side operation when reading and writing from the database. SQLyog displays what is stored in the database. It cannot know if some application has enrypted/obfuscated or serialized data for instance.
peterlaursenParticipantHere SQLyog sends the statement
UPDATE `sritex3`.`faktur1_copy` SET `TGBUKTI` = ‘2015-02-05’ WHERE `KD_CUST` = ‘J.KAG.001’ AND `NO_FAKTUR` = ‘FLJ/GARMT/10087/0115’ AND `NO_MP` = ” AND `TGL_FAKTUR` = ‘2015-01-06’ AND `JUMLAH` = ‘4875305985.00’ AND `KETBRG` = ‘PJAB0072/21 GM01’ AND `KD_BARANG` = ‘424510000501’ AND `ITEMG` = ”;(you have a very complex primary key and that causes the many WHERE conditions)..and it works as expected (I tried on MySQL 5.5.41). You may try to execute that statement manually (from any client). If it does not change on the server it is a server bug. Your server (5.1.33) is rather old now. Refer this FAQ: There were a lot of bugs introduced in MySQL between 5.1.30 and 5.1.35 (but they mostly afffected InnoDB, and you are using MyISAM)peterlaursenParticipantPlease
1) tell what exactly you do when you save? You will have to either click the save button (the small diskette icon) or move the cursor vertically to another row. Save does not happen when you move the cursor horizontally (to another column/cell in same row)
2) check in HISTORY tab what UPDATE statement SQLyog sends to the server.
3) check in MESSAGES tab of SQLyog for errors or warnings.
peterlaursenParticipant.. and then the TRIGGER will actually fail to copy (I just tried: the table copies, but the trigger does not). The CREATE TRIGGER syntax will contain an invalid expression and CREATE fails with a syntax error.
However, no error message appears in SQLyog and it should.
peterlaursenParticipantAs regards the question “I wonder if when I copied a trigger from a database to another, it corrupted the same way”, the answer is that it depends on whether we use SHOW TRIGGERS or SHOW CREATE TRIGGER in “copy database/table” and “schema sync” when fetching the TRIGGER definiton from the source server. I don’t know. Abishek wll reply to that. But most simple solution is still to use “doublequotes” around strings containing a ‘singlequote’ and vice versa.
If MySQL does not approve the bug report we may need to add the missing quote in our code. This will involve some painful parsing. And if they approve it, a fix will most likely only go into 5.7x or higher MySQL release. They will not consider it important enough to fix in releases that are currently deemed stable.
peterlaursenParticipantI understand your problem different than what Abishek does.
I this “SET a = CONCAT(‘I”m not happy’);” you want the string “‘I’m not happy”, I think. Please confirm. And please also explain why you are using CONCAT as there is (as I understand it) only a single string and nothing to CONCAT. In my understanding CONCAT is redundant for the test case (and somewhat confusing, too) and you could as well – and more clearly – simply use SET a = ‘I”m not happy’; to illustrate this.
Please explain if Abishkek’s or my understanding is the right one. If it is mine then using “doublequotes” around the string would be the most simple solution – like SET a = CONCAT(“I’m not happy”); or SET a = “I’m not happy”; .
If there is a bug it is a bug with SHOW TRIGGERS statement in I have reported it here
BTW: You can always see what SQL-statements SQLyog uses in the HISTORY tab.
peterlaursenParticipantThis is not an error specific for SQyog, I believe. Any client running on same system as SQlyog would face the same issue. What happened on the server is something that the hosting support should reply to IMO. One possible reason could be that “skip_name_resolve” setting was changed on the server.
Relevant MySQ documentaton:
peterlaursenParticipantThis could very well be one more issue with Ubuntu’s “Unity” desktopadn its integration into Wine. I have Wine 1.7x running in SuSe and Fedora (with XFCE and Gnome desktops respectilvely) and will try those. Additionally Ubuntu 10.10 has lots of issues that the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (“long time support”) has not. Ubuntu 10.10 is not meant for a production environment. It is a development release.
But let me try some different Wine environments (probably tonight).
Could you please attach the dump file? That is the purpose of generating it, obviously.
January 27, 2015 at 9:59 am in reply to: Unable To Restore Tabs – For History, Table View Etc., After Accident #35167peterlaursenParticipantDid you try
1) to reboot Wndows?
2) scan for malware?
3) Try to disable what ‘security software’ you have installed?
January 15, 2015 at 11:31 am in reply to: Program Window Starts Up In Background With Session Restore Enabled #35156peterlaursenParticipantWe had one more similar report, but were never able to reproduce. My own primary system has an identical configuration and it is not a problem here. I think something could be runnng (in the background, possibly) on your system causing this.
Could you try if it is reproducible after a fresh reboot of the system and before any other application was started?
peterlaursenParticipantThanks! Actually I think this is the first such correcton we had since we introduced CJK translations some years ago, and that has surprised me – because I would not expect it be perfect in first shot. We really have no option to verify the quality of the translations ourselves for languages we don’t speak/read/write at all. So such feedback is absolutely welcome.
We will go through it. We will post here if we have any doubts.
peterlaursenParticipantEven on Debian 7.7 (‘wheezy’) with LXDE desktop, shipping with a now rather old 1.41 Wine verson (only 32 bit support in that Wine version), I cannot reproduce the 2 issues you reported (with SQLyog 32 bit).
peterlaursenParticipantWell,it also does for Abishek on his (standard) Ubunty 14.04 (as I understand). But I see here that only Ubuntu is affected (not even Xubuntu – probably not also Lubunty, Kubuntu etc. and also not Mint (what is 99.9% Ubuntu internally – but available with a number of other desktops than Unity). I think this clearly indicates that it is yet a problem with Unity and Wine.
Maybe they ‘mis-communicate’ desktop coordinates to each others in some cases. We will try to fix, but it may very well be difficult to debug what is actually happening.
peterlaursenParticipantI tried in Xubuntu 14.04 with Wine 1.6.2. I cannot reproduce this either.
There have been numerous issues with Wine integration in “Unity” desktop reported since Ubuntu introduced it (in Ubuntu 10, I think). This seem to be yet another one.
In my understandng this is also more a cosmetical than a real problem. This is a real problem however.