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1: Are you pointing it to a machine name or a specific IP address?
2: what does your /etc/my.cnf look like?
CalEvansMemberQuote:I'd be interested in this if it were licensed under the GPL.I'm just curious, why would you NOT be interested in it if it's not released under the GPL?
CalEvansMembersounds right. I only have 1 windows machine running mysql and I don't use it much. (Actually it's my laptop and it's usually booted into Linux, not windows) but if I remember correctly, it's the little stop-light icon in the system tray. I believe it will show you your my.ini. Make sure it's got the right one. The one with your changes in it.
CalEvansMemberok, that's a different issue.
Since you are using the windows server, check the MySQL control center to see what settings MySQL thinks it's using. If they are different from your my.ini settings than I'm betting that your my.ini is in the wrong place.
CalEvansMemberIf you are using a Linux server type
Code:ls -ld /the/directory/namethis will result in something like this:
Code:newton backups # ls -ld /home/backups/
drwxr-xr-x 30 backup users 4096 Mar 1 13:42 /home/backups/the letters at the front of the second line tell you your permissions.
d= directory
1st rwx = user permissions. The user backup in this case has permission to read/write and execute (since this is a dir the x means that you have permission to look into the dir)
2nd rwx = group permissions. the group users has permission to read and look into the dir.
3rd rwx = everyone else. Everyone else has permission to read and look into the dir.
If you are using this one a windows box, right click on the dir and go to permissions.
CalEvansMemberPress CTRL + L
CalEvansMemberThe best way to do it is to use the order by clause in your select statement. However, if you don't want to make another trip to the database and you have a reasonable number of records (<500) you can click on the column heading to resort the result set. Click once for Descending, twice for ascending.
CalEvansMemberPlease copy the text of the error message and paste it in or do a screen capture. I'm not familiar with a 'Subject' error.
CalEvansMemberSince SQLyog does not have a scripting language (and I argue against it if anybody is interested) this is really beyond the scope of the program. SQLyog is a query analyzer and maintenance tool. You would be better off utilizing a scripting language for something like this. PHP or PERL if you are on a real OS, VB otherwise. (Since I don't know PERL, lean on PHP for this kind of thing a lot.)
You are right, most major systems do not do this by hand but they also don't try and use a query analyzer to do it.
Off the top of my head the login would be something like
get an array of the directory
loop through the array in a for/next loop inserting one record into the table for each image with it's path and anything else you want to include.
fairly simple.
CalEvansMemberWow! Now that's a new one.
I'm gonna have to vote for Windows 'feature' instead of SQLyog.
Sorry for your student''s misfortune. My suggestion would first be to 'overload' windows (install over the top of your existing setup. This should replace any missing files. If that doesn't work you can always wipe it and load 😀
CalEvansMemberI believe you are misinterpreting the messages. When MYSQL fails a login it says something like:
Using password YES or Using password NO. This simply indicates whether you used a password or not. it does not, has never and should never actually show you the password used in the case of a failure.
CalEvansMemberNo, TAB completion is not in this program.
CalEvansMemberPlease pardon my ignorance but what are CE fonts?
CalEvansMemberQuote:Well, your computer will crash for 30 min-1 hour when you try to open that file to modify and get rid of the error… yes thats happens if you haven't heard of J-Write. May there be some other programs that could handle huge files (very fast, like working with a few K:cool:.If you mean try and open the batch in SQLyog….NO, DON'T DO IT! RUN AWAY! It's a known issue that SQLyog won't handle large scripts very well. I can only think of a handful of programs that would handle files as large as you are talking about and I submit that it's not reasonable to expect SQLyog to handle files that large. I would like to see it handle large scripts better than just having an 'Execute Large Script' option.
CalEvansMemberRelationships are only available on tabletypes that support them. (InnoDB and I believe Gemini)