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  • in reply to: does sqlyog support char-set/unicode handling? #14523

    The problem is that windows may display the characters differently, NOT SQLyog. But displaying does not change the underlying data.

    in reply to: does sqlyog support char-set/unicode handling? #14521
    …….. did you mean SQLyog would use different default char set depending on Windows version?

    I does. I had troubles with some of the special Hungarian characters on the servers that use English character set…

    Frankly, sometimes I'm really fed up with charset conversion, it would be nice to have a single one that could host all the characters.

    in reply to: SQLyog 3.11 and 3.5 #14531

    Absolutely! Actually I use both of them…

    in reply to: does sqlyog support char-set/unicode handling? #14519

    To be honest, I have never had to use different encodings in the same server (not just db!), this is why I have never missed features concerning character sets. This might be a good idea though.

    SQLyog may use other encoding than MySql because SQLyog is influenced by Windows settings. However, I don't think it is too wise to do so…

    in reply to: does sqlyog support char-set/unicode handling? #14517

    Character set handling is done by MySql and not by SQLyog. There might be issues with displaying particular character sets, such as arabic or cyrillic.

    in reply to: Relationships #14507

    Pressed 'Add reply' too soon…

    So, according to the DDL data given by you, cs_component_type table doesn't have any constraints, only cs_component does. Inserting invalid values into cs_component. component_type_id, that is values not existing in cs_component_type.id, will result in “Error No. 1216 Cannot add or update a child row, a foreign key constraint fails.”

    in reply to: Relationships #14506

    Interesting. I created the two tables you specified (without the relationship), then added the given foreign key with SQLyog and entered data to cs_component_type. And it worked. Are you sure that you don't have any other constraints?

    in reply to: user templates #14474

    Superuser's rigths are the easiest to outline: full access to every db (the initial root user is also a superuser).

    The rest is no that simple, the best answer is: it depends on the needs. Just think what these roles require and grant

    Few hints:

    – grant only those rights that are needed

    – no global rigths (stored in mysql.user) should be assigned to general users, beacause these rights apply to all dbs including mysql

    – grant rights at the same level (either at global, db, table or column level) when possible because of simplicity

    in reply to: OR statement crashes MySQL #14461

    There could be a problem with the parenthesis you use because AND has a precedence over OR, so the last portion of your query should be modified as:

    WHERE v_all.pid = v_teacher_main.pid


    v_teacher_main.instrumentkey = v_def_instruments.instrumentkey


    v_all.pCounty = v_county.countyid


    (v_teacher_main.InstrumentKey= 6


    v_teacher_main.InstrumentKey= 1)

    Your version is likely to end up with a lot larger result set than the above one and if the tables concerned in this query are large, the resultset may grow to a size that cannot be handled by MySql perfectly.

    in reply to: View Connection String? #14460

    Example of connection strings to MySql:

    “Driver=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;DATABASE=MyDB;SERVER=MyServer;UID=username;PASSWORD=xxxxx;PORT=3306;OPTIO


    If you use MyODBC v2.5 then DRIVER=MySQL. The OPTION value depends on the options 😀 you set at the ODBC dialog (2 means 'return matching rows'). In Win98 the 'Data Sources (ODBC)' option is located under Control Panel, in W2K under Administrative Tools. Create a file DSN, then open the created file with notepad and copy its contents into your connection string.

    in reply to: Export query to clipboard as code #14465

    Exactly how many programming languages should this feature support? Because most of them have different syntax…

    in reply to: Please Help Please #14454

    There could be a problem with arabic characters as MySql does not include any arabic character set by default. New sets can be added to MySql easily. I suggest to find an arabic language website dedicated to MySql because your problem may have already been solved.

    Three links to get you started:




    in reply to: Error 1044 #14455

    1044 means access denied. Either you don't have the right to connect to MySql or your user has not been created at all. Ask your ISP to grant sufficient rights to you (ask for username@% to be used!)

    in reply to: Can't move Datadir #14444

    It is possible to have the server and the dbs on different partitions because MySql will look for the dbs in the path specified by the datadir variable. In winmysqladmin there is a “my.ini setup” tab where you can change and save the settings. If I were you, I would delete my.cnf and use only my.ini to avoid confusion!

    And the following may be of help as well:

    If you want to use the InnoDB transactional tables, you need to manually create two new directories to hold the InnoDB data and log [email protected]., `c:ibdata' and `c:iblogs'. You will also need to add some extra lines to the option file. See section 7.5.2 InnoDB Startup Options.

    in reply to: Regular backups #14450

    SQLyog is not able to schedule backups, it is a db front end and expects user interaction. You should use Win's built in scheduler with mysql dump.

    About the error in “Execute batch file”: you should remove the line containing

    …,and the import will be done!

Viewing 15 posts - 601 through 615 (of 642 total)