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View Connection String?

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog View Connection String?

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    • #8008

      I'm trying to connect to my mySQL db via an ASP page, without any luck. I can however connect to it with SQLyog.

      Is there any way I can see the connection string that is being used to make the connection? I'm trying to figure out why my ASP page won't make the connection and I'm thinking it might be because of the connection string ..

      Thanks ..

    • #14458

      SQLyog uses C API's to connect to MySQL which is completely different then what is used in ASP connection :huh:

      Please check out the MySQL docs on how to connect with ASP/MySQL 😀

    • #14459


      I do not believe that SQLyog connects to MySQL the same way you are doing it. SQLyog uses the C API whereas ASP will use the ADO. (Which is ODBC in a pretty wrapper) The C API does not have (to the best of my knowledge) anything akin to the connection string. You might want to post to the mysql mailing list. There are people there who use ODBC to connect (I've seen messages about this) and they could probably give you more help.

      Have you checked the log file of mysql? Watch it as you are trying to connect. Are you getting that far? If it is logging then it should be logging the error as well.


    • #14460

      Example of connection strings to MySql:

      “Driver=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;DATABASE=MyDB;SERVER=MyServer;UID=username;PASSWORD=xxxxx;PORT=3306;OPTIO


      If you use MyODBC v2.5 then DRIVER=MySQL. The OPTION value depends on the options 😀 you set at the ODBC dialog (2 means 'return matching rows'). In Win98 the 'Data Sources (ODBC)' option is located under Control Panel, in W2K under Administrative Tools. Create a file DSN, then open the created file with notepad and copy its contents into your connection string.

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