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  • in reply to: Dump Created With Incorrect Line Endings? #31168

    It has been fixed now. We will release 8.6Beta3 with this fix on next week.

    in reply to: Time For "exec" And "total" Should Differ #31178

    It has been added to our issue tracker


    The Statusbar can show aggregate of all queries.

    Time info for individual queries can get from Message tab

    in reply to: Dump Created With Incorrect Line Endings? #31166

    Thanks for the info.

    We will check this in detail.

    in reply to: Strange Characters In File > Open Dialog #31188

    We fixed this internally, issue was some white spaces in the beginning that shows as garbage here.

    Thanks again


    in reply to: Strange Characters In File > Open Dialog #31186

    Thanks a lot, We got this when changed to 'German'.

    We will check it and fix it.

    in reply to: Sja Hangs/idle/freezes While Backing Up Mysql Db Tables #31119


    Looks like these processes are not related to scheduled-backup. These are three sessions created by SQLyog while connecting to MySQL.

    Can you try these,

    – Instead of using command prompt, use the scheduled-backup wizard itself and do export for these cases: i)the specific database ii)all databases.

    – Do you have an option to import the SQL dump to a local server? If yes, then import and do the export and tell if slowness still persists.(One reason we expect is since you export from live server and many are accessing the tables at same time and some lock on table may have happened).

    in reply to: Sja Hangs/idle/freezes While Backing Up Mysql Db Tables #31117


    We need to know which query is slow on server.

    So please recreate the situation and follow the steps explained below, when it is in waiting state for “Exporting ….

    – Open another SQLyog and connect to same server

    – Open Tools->Show->Processlist. It lists all active processes of the server. Click on 'Refresh' button in dialog, and you can find which process is for the Scheduled-backup.

    To identify the process, please check the columns 'Command'(which would be “Query”) and 'State' (which would be “Sending data”, or “Writing”) of the table displayed. Please see the attached screen-shot.

    – Once you identified the row (process) that refer to the Scheduled-backup thread, copy the 'Info' column (that contains the query executing) and send to us.

    – You can also provide the other column status also by sending screen-shot of 'process list' dialog and mark the particular row.

    For privacy you could create ticket using below link



    in reply to: Extremely Long Time To Reconnect #31139

    Please check this MySQL forum post, that may help you.

    MySQL slow connection time



    Latest SQLyog (since version 8.5) we have implemented the Tabbed-interface for connections. So your request can be achieved by opening multiple connections to same server and is possible to switch to other connection-tab while other is executing a long-running query. Let me know your thoughts.



    in reply to: Ssh Tunnelling Broken In V8.5.1 #30990

    We would like to inform that we have made a public release 8.53GA where we have solved 2 issues related to SSH. Please download, try it in your environment and let us know if need any further assistance.

    8.53 release-notes

    in reply to: Request: Show # Columns And # Tables #31024


    The suggested feature costs more, in terms of query and time.

    When you expand a 'database' node in the tree(called as object-browser), you could see the parent nodes such as 'Tables', 'Views', 'Functions', etc with [+} icon. While expanding the Database node SQLyog doesn't know whether the tables (or other objects) are present for the database, it comes to know these details only when expanding the 'Tables' node(I mean it issues query to find the tables details).

    This is how its implemented otherwise while expanding database itself we should issue queries to get info for tables, views, etc and it's time consuming. So queries for 'Tables' are issued only while expanding tables, queries for 'Views' are issued only while expanding 'Views', and etc

    Also I agree its confusing to keep [+] sign if contains no item, but the reason is same as I explained above.

    Thank you


    in reply to: Ssh Tunnelling Broken In V8.5.1 #30983

    We have released 8.52GA. The bug fix related to the SQLyog's Plink is included to this official release.


    Please download, try it in your environment and let us know if you need any further assistance.

    in reply to: Data Sync And Mismatched Versions Of Sqlyog #30973

    Do we both need to have the same version of SqlYog software running for the data sync to work?

    Not necessary. But it would be better if you could use the latest version if in case any bug fix, enhancement related to Data sync is included.

    in reply to: Ascii Extended Characters #30961

    Make sure you set the compiler options that your application supports Unicode. To display you have to convert it to wide-char string, you could try to use API MultiByteToWideChar().

    in reply to: Request: Truncate Resets First Row #30935

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    It will be implemented as you have suggested, when table is truncated the range options would be the default(LIMIT 0-100). This will be done in next public release (Expected release date for 8.5GA is 15th of this month).

    It's added to the issue tracker


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 144 total)