Forum Replies Created
AGA Media
MemberIn the meantime you may want to have a look on the error messages from MySQL when executing the respective dump-snippet:
11 queries executed, 2 success, 9 errors, 0 warnings
Query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tabpicture`
0 row(s) affected
Execution Time : 0.043 sec
Transfer Time : 1.093 sec
Total Time : 1.136 sec
Query: CREATE TABLE `tabpicture` ( `pkPic` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Bilder zum Unternehmen/Institution, Standort, Touri…
0 row(s) affected
Execution Time : 0.285 sec
Transfer Time : 1.087 sec
Total Time : 1.373 sec
Query: /*Data for the table `tabpicture` */ insert into `tabpicture`(`pkPic`,`PicTyp`,`Caption`,`Kommentar`,`txtBild`,`txtPfad`,`Hoehe`…
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '¶¹žg²šE' at line 2
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0 sec
Query: G–±¨]¾œ뺶®PM©i[/tk·¶¾³,±r»“¡sŸ}jֻ¨葸rKIQ杦d’LˆŒ�“yJ��2�Š[š6�?‰ վ[j‘nj¶]�暧…
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'G–±¨]¾œ뺶®PM©i[/tk·¶¾³,±r»“¡sŸ}jֻ¨葸rKIQ杦d’LˆŒ at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0.001 sec
Query: ֳ°P
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ֳ°P' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0 sec
Query: ±ęѼe?ƒ¯[Uԧ20¸…�Ÿ�>œWƧX*™ȯ>ۛ³��ƒ�<9…a“ŽҊׯ?+}ǯ|Pº—̑Ფ3Y_jJəȊ����Іz��¦PFŸžB®..
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '±ęѼe?ƒ¯[Uԧ20¸…�Ÿ�>œWƧX*™ȯ>ۛ³��ƒ�<9…a“ŽҊׯ?+}ǯ|Pº' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0.008 sec
Query: �iKg:¤¥š0� ɱ֯>©%֕•��¿h‹™±œnl�k�ܰ„¼‘~眔1O<O¯^zŠ˗ԃp‹f䃮|§Pg 컫’Q廪bيɵm괈撮..
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '�iKg:¤¥š0� ɱ֯>©%֕•��¿h‹™±œnl�k�ܰ„¼‘~眔1O<O' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0.008 sec
Query: Hܚߒ[�§DߊFW¨]%ͩ͘�:嶿0ި¾”{«ya1ʜZ™“±ξ䗊⨱¾¯. eMN�즮0OB
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Hܚߒ[�§DߊFW¨]%ͩ͘�:嶿0ި¾”{«ya1ʜZ™“±ξ䗊⨱¾¯. eMN�즮' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0 sec
Query: ԃઔJIܘࠫ1=’Ɨšۡ<©B9Z+m|A}&¨…㨳fL墜0¢½樫+��=n{x/´KΖ誜rÇМ²¸-��œク�帖㌹½…
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ԃઔJIܘࠫ1=’Ɨšۡ<©B9Z+m|A}&¨…㨳fL墜0¢½樫+��=n{x/´KΖ誜rÇ' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0 sec
Query: 0�ʐۛ˜e‹n‰�:ž3ӽg–Үo’k»�-¢€¥±ݡy5¯¦xˆh�i©ǂg@ݝŀϬqʷ�葪5§b&ע�Ks2L¥r±�WYrҼ@…
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0�ʐۛ˜e‹n‰�:ž3ӽg–Үo’k»�-¢€¥±ݡy5¯¦xˆh�i©ǂg' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0 sec
Query: ´w ľױŸ_»]{(vy“�hQ灇㲊⨣ڃ°¹בE¡!EPEPEPEPEPEPEP�/a','Farbbild','JPEG','n/a','24 BIT','2011-…
Error Code: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '´w ľױŸ_»]{(vy“�hQ灇㲊⨣ڃ°¹בE¡!EPEPEPEPEPEPE' at line 1
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0.007 sec
AGA Media
MemberHmm, I provided a sample already on the day of Sathish´s request – don´t know where it is now …
The problem with the sample is, that I was obliged to delete the conflicting records in order to re-import my dump.
As far as I have seen, the only possibility for providing a dump-sample is to insert it into this field (?) – but that leads to a loss of my posting content (as had happened to my previous posting).
Perhaps you could name an E-Mail to which I send the dump as text-file?
Kind regards,
AGA Media
Member'peterlaursen' wrote:Please tell: what is the version you are using now?
Hi, Peter,
the version is 8.63.
Joachim Bartels
AGA Media
MemberOk, SQLyog did it again: please find a detailed description of the crash attached.
I suppose this is in connection to loading schemas into canvas (cf. pdf).
Kind regards,
Joachim Bartels
AGA Media
MemberHi Peter,
with regard to your questions:
1) Were you only able to save the dumps after copying the file DBGHELP.DLL to SQLyog installation folder?
-> After receiving the quoted error message, I made a search for DBGHELP.DLL, found several on my system and copied the latest into the SQLyog installation folder. I then reported the error, uploaded the dump files – they were there as you told me, so it couldn´t be in any connection to “my” DBGHELP
2) Do you such file (in C:windowssystem32 -folder)
-> Yes there is/was one in System-folder (also at the time of the error)
3) If you have please tel it's size in Bytes as well as the version information displayed from Windows Explorer context menu
-> It´s version 6.1.7600.16385, the size is 854.528 dating from 14.07.2009.
Since my posting there weren´t any further errors (I was away too), but I´ll keep you informed about any development in this direction.
All the best!
AGA Media
Member'peterlaursen' wrote on '21:Are you using HTTP-tunnel or SSH-tunnel?
Neither one, see attached login form.
AGA Media
MemberHi, Khushboo,
as I said in my first mail, I'm alas not able to reproduce the steps to crash SQLyog (nor did I save the error messages).
I remember both crashes were after browsing a long table in SQLyog (scrolling to a row a position x-thousand) and then leaving SQLyog alone, doing other things (programming etc.). After that I came back to close SQLyog and the crash(es) occured. As soon as the failure will happen again, I´ll provide more information.
Best wishes,
AGA Media
MemberHi, Peter,
you´ll find my log files attached. Hope it is interesting since I´m not able to read them.
Let me know, if I can be of any help.
Kind regards,
AGA Media
Member'peterlaursen' wrote on '07:I understand:
1) You suggest an option to “ignore differences if differences are in comments in comments only”?
2) From the Schema Sync GUI there should be a control (like a context menu) to open ALTER TABLE, MANAGE INDEXES etc.
Please confirm.
Hi, Peter,
you put it perfectly well in short form!
All the best,
Joachim Bartels
AGA Media
AGA Media
Member'nithin' wrote on '07:Hello,
We have redesigned the File->Open menu with 8.4 version.
The release note(8.4beta2) tells:
The file menu has been reorganized to comply with standards. Note that to insert from a file into an open editor tab you must now use the context menu item from the editor. Such menu item in the context menu was also added with this release.
The logic is, while opening a file it checks for the extension, if the extension is neither .schemaxml or .queryxml It would open into the query tab. This has been introduced to avoid the complexities to use separate 'Open menu'/'recent files' for each query tab, schema designer and for query builder.
File->Open will detect the extension and open 'new' query/schema designer/query builder tab to load the file.
If need to open to same tab you could use context menu (menu right click editor/canvas)of the corresponding tab, But even here also if the extension is different it would open new tab to load this.
Is there any specific reason that you have changed the extension to .sxml ? Couldn't you make it as .schemaxml?
Thank you
Ok, it works after renaming the extension to .schemaxml – both with the context and with the open-dialog icon.
@Nithin: The only reason to rename the extension was the length of the extension itself. I work with loading several schemas for the same database at a time (the schemas contain groups fo tables e.g. tables for people, tables for adresses, for firms and so on). With a shorter extension there could be more schemas called upon since the total length of the resulting schema tabs are much shorter if I use .sxml (I discussed this point in a former forum Q/A). So, I now have a resolution with renaming my schema files to their original extensions, but would like to ask you to think about using shorter extensions like .sxml or .qxml on a regular basis (if ever possible).Thanks for your responses, all the best,
Joachim Bartels
AGA Media
AGA Media
Member'peterlaursen' wrote on '06:When you load an SD XML-file a Schema Designer tab must be active. If a normal query tab is selected it will just load as plain text into the editor.
Hi, Peter,
I´m aware of that – I work more than a year with the schema designer on a daily basis. To help you understand the issue, I checked it again in comparism to Version 8.32 – the result is to be seen in the attached PDF. In 8.32 the same procedure works fine, so it has to be caused by the new version.
All the best,
Joachim Bartels
AGA Media
AGA Media
Member'Mahesh' wrote on '06:Are you sure that extension of the file is .schemaxml
Can you please attach a .schemaxml file here ?
Hi, Mahesh,
no, I reduced the extension to sxml, but opening the file was working in 8.32 and not in 8.4.
I attach a file for your testing … oops – I´m not allowed to “upload this kind of file” so …
here is the xml itself:
daten 226 0 113 158 CREATE TABLE `tabfakgelesen` ( `pkGel` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Leserliste Fakteninfo',
`fkFak` int(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '(überarbeiten! Kann das durch Wiki ersetzt werden?)',
`User` varchar(20) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`Gelesen` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`GelDat` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Leserliste Fakteninfo',
PRIMARY KEY (`pkGel`),
KEY `idx_fkFak` (`fkFak`),
CONSTRAINT `fk_tabFakten_tabFakGelesen` FOREIGN KEY (`fkFak`) REFERENCES `tabfakten` (`pkFak`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german2_ci
1 0 113 175 CREATE TABLE `tabfakten` ( `pkFak` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Fakteninformationen',
`Thema` varchar(150) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n/a' COMMENT 'Themenbezeichnung',
`Kommentar` mediumtext COLLATE latin1_german2_ci COMMENT 'RTF-Ausführliche Beschreibung',
`Quelle` varchar(255) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'n/a' COMMENT 'Quelle der Info (Bei Überarbeitung auf sdQuellen.QKzf umstellen!)',
`Bearbeiter` varchar(20) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Ersteller der Info',
`EinDat` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Eingabedatum',
PRIMARY KEY (`pkFak`),
KEY `idx_Thema` (`Thema`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german2_ci
Kind regards,
Joachim Bartels
AGA Media
AGA Media
Member'peterlaursen' wrote on '28:What you could do is to
1) Check query execution times in HISTORY once it has finished. Any particular statement taking lots of time?
Hello Peter,
did as requested – here comes the log file (HISTORY) – the call upon time was between 5 to 10 seconds this time. There are (to me) only two tables out of the normal range, but a quick check got no answers (two indexes as usual, two constraints – both tables are n:m-tables with just integer values and a timestamp) … don´t know why it took so long compared to the other ones. Will repeat this and report whether there might be some pattern.
/*[18:34:53][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names';
/*[18:34:53][ 0 ms]*/ SET NAMES 'utf8';
/*[18:34:53][ 0 ms]*/ SET sql_mode='';
/*[18:34:53][ 0 ms]*/ USE `daten`;
/*[18:35:06][ 32 ms]*/ SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `daten` WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE';
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ USE `daten`;
/*[18:35:06][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `daten` WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE';
/*[18:35:06][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaeche`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanffla`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanfimo`;
/*[18:35:06][ 63 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdanbindung`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdentfernung`;
/*[18:35:06][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdgebausweis`;
/*[18:35:06][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdversorgarten`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfrage`;
/*[18:35:06][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdanfstatus`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabimmo`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanftelekom`;
/*[18:35:06][ 46 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdtelekom`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdentsorgarten`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfentsorgung`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfverkehr`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfversorgung`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdmesseinheiten`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdprostat`;
/*[18:35:06][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanftodo`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relkonanf`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflapic`;
/*[18:35:06][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relimopic`;
/*[18:35:06][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relgebfla`;
/*[18:35:08][2156 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:35:10][1515 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relimoadr`;
/*[18:35:10][ 32 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanfwv`;
/*[18:35:10][ 156 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdnutzungsarten`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdfshinweise`;
/*[18:35:10][ 281 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdflatyp`;
/*[18:35:10][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdlagekat`;
/*[18:35:10][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflurstueck`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdgemarkungen`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdfluren`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdabstandsklassen`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabstarefpunkt`;
/*[18:35:10][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflaref`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdverfuegbarkeit`;
/*[18:35:10][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflatelekom`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaentsorgung`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaversorgung`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relgebimo`;
/*[18:35:10][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaaltlast`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdaltlasten`;
/*[18:35:10][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdaltlaststat`;
/*[18:35:10][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdobjekttypen`;
/*[18:35:10][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdbauarten`;
/*[18:35:10][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdzustaende`;
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sddenkmalkat`;
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`reluntma`;
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relimoma`;
/*[18:35:11][ 32 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflama`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanfdok`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabstagebiet`;
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdgebtypen`;
/*[18:35:11][ 78 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflanutzung`;
/*[18:35:11][ 32 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabimoeinheit`;
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdimoeinheiten`;
/*[18:35:11][ 46 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdbelegstat`;
/*[18:35:11][ 32 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflaeche';
/*[18:35:11][ 47 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflaeche`;
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relanffla';
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relanffla`;
/*[18:35:11][ 63 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relanffla`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflaeche`;
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relanfimo';
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relanfimo`;
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdanbindung';
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdanbindung`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdentfernung';
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdentfernung`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdgebausweis';
/*[18:35:11][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdgebausweis`;
/*[18:35:11][ 47 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdgebausweis`;
/*[18:35:11][ 47 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdversorgarten';
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdversorgarten`;
/*[18:35:11][ 47 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabanfrage';
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabanfrage`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabanfrage`;
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relanfimo`;
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdanfstatus';
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdanfstatus`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdanfstatus`;
/*[18:35:11][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabimmo';
/*[18:35:11][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabimmo`;
/*[18:35:11][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabimmo`;
/*[18:35:11][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabanftelekom';
/*[18:35:12][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabanftelekom`;
/*[18:35:12][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabanftelekom`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdtelekom';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdtelekom`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdtelekom`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdentsorgarten';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdentsorgarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabanfentsorgung';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabanfentsorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabanfentsorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdentsorgarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabanfverkehr';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabanfverkehr`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabanfverkehr`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdanbindung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdentfernung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabanfversorgung';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabanfversorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabanfversorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdversorgarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdmesseinheiten';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdmesseinheiten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdmesseinheiten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdprostat';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdprostat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdprostat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relanftodo';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relanftodo`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relanftodo`;
/*[18:35:12][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relkonanf';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relkonanf`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relkonanf`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relflapic';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relflapic`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relflapic`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relimopic';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relimopic`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relimopic`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relgebfla';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relgebfla`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relgebfla`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relflaadr';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relimoadr';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relimoadr`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relimoadr`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relanfwv';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relanfwv`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relanfwv`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdnutzungsarten';
/*[18:35:12][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdnutzungsarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdfshinweise';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdfshinweise`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdflatyp';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdflatyp`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdflatyp`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdlagekat';
/*[18:35:12][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdlagekat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdlagekat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflurstueck';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflurstueck`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflurstueck`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdfshinweise`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdgemarkungen';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdgemarkungen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdfluren';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdfluren`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdfluren`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdgemarkungen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdabstandsklassen';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdabstandsklassen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdabstandsklassen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabstarefpunkt';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabstarefpunkt`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relflaref';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relflaref`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relflaref`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabstarefpunkt`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdverfuegbarkeit';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdverfuegbarkeit`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdverfuegbarkeit`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflatelekom';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflatelekom`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflatelekom`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflaentsorgung';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflaentsorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflaentsorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflaversorgung';
/*[18:35:12][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflaversorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflaversorgung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relgebimo';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relgebimo`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relgebimo`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflaaltlast';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflaaltlast`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflaaltlast`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdaltlasten';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdaltlasten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdaltlasten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdaltlaststat';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdaltlaststat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdaltlaststat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdobjekttypen';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdobjekttypen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdobjekttypen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdbauarten';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdbauarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdbauarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdzustaende';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdzustaende`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdzustaende`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sddenkmalkat';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sddenkmalkat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sddenkmalkat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'reluntma';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`reluntma`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`reluntma`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relimoma';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relimoma`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relimoma`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relflama';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relflama`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relflama`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relanfdok';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relanfdok`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relanfdok`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabstagebiet';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabstagebiet`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabstagebiet`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdgebtypen';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdgebtypen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdgebtypen`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabflanutzung';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabflanutzung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabflanutzung`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdnutzungsarten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'tabimoeinheit';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`tabimoeinheit`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`tabimoeinheit`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdimoeinheiten';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdimoeinheiten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdimoeinheiten`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'sdbelegstat';
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`sdbelegstat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`sdbelegstat`;
/*[18:35:12][ 31 ms]*/ SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `daten` WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE';
/*[18:36:42][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:36:55][ 187 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten`WHERE ENGINE IS NOT NULL;
/*[18:36:55][ 16 ms]*/ SELECT `TABLE_NAME` AS View_name,`View_definition`,`Check_option`,`Is_updatable`,`Definer`,`Security_type` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`VIEWS` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'daten';
/*[18:36:55][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE Db = 'daten';
/*[18:36:55][ 15 ms]*/ SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE Db='daten';
/*[18:36:55][ 78 ms]*/ SHOW TRIGGERS FROM `daten`;
/*[18:36:55][ 0 ms]*/ SELECT `Event_name`,`Definer`,`Event_type`,`Execute_at`,`Interval_value`,`Interval_field`,`Starts`,`Ends`,`Status` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`EVENTS` WHERE `EVENT_SCHEMA` = 'daten';
/*[18:36:55][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE DATABASE `daten`;
/*[18:38:18][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:38:18][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:38:18][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relflaadr';
/*[18:38:30][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relflaadr` ;
/*[18:38:44][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relflaadr';
/*[18:39:07][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW KEYS FROM `daten`.`relimoadr` ;
/*[18:39:14][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `daten` LIKE 'relimoadr';
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ USE `daten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_database';
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database';
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaeche`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanffla`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanfimo`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdanbindung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdentfernung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdgebausweis`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdversorgarten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfrage`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdanfstatus`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabimmo`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanftelekom`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdtelekom`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdentsorgarten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfentsorgung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfverkehr`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabanfversorgung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdmesseinheiten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdprostat`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanftodo`;
/*[18:39:23][ 16 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relkonanf`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflapic`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relimopic`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relgebfla`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflaadr`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relimoadr`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanfwv`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdnutzungsarten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdfshinweise`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdflatyp`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdlagekat`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflurstueck`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdgemarkungen`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdfluren`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdabstandsklassen`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabstarefpunkt`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflaref`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdverfuegbarkeit`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflatelekom`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaentsorgung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaversorgung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relgebimo`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflaaltlast`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdaltlasten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdaltlaststat`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdobjekttypen`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdbauarten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdzustaende`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sddenkmalkat`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`reluntma`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relimoma`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relflama`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`relanfdok`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabstagebiet`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdgebtypen`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabflanutzung`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`tabimoeinheit`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdimoeinheiten`;
/*[18:39:23][ 0 ms]*/ SHOW CREATE TABLE `daten`.`sdbelegstat`;
AGA Media
Member'peterlaursen' wrote on '28:Are you telling that this problem occurs with one specific layout (only) or are all layouts affected?
Also please tell the exact Windows version.
We cannot reproduce this and without a test case where this is reproducible it will be very hard to do progress. You cannot share that layout – even not in a private ticket?
The Windows version is Vista Ultimate German SP2 (please also cf. my answer to nithin).
AGA Media
Member'nithin' wrote on '28:Can you confirm the 2nd dialog you mentioned is same as attached image?
Yes, that´s the one.
At the moment I´m a little bit confused – I called upon several schemas and today every one of them was called upon in under 5 seconds (just as I was used to with version 8.18). I´ll try to figure it out, and will be back with more information.