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  • in reply to: synchronization question #17696

    that's simple ….

    sja.exe is a stand-alone application (though it can be started from within Sqlyog). So just write a simple .bat file calling sja.exe with the XML-file for the syncronisation job as a parameter, and create at icon on the deskotp ponting to that .. .bat file. sja.exe is in your sqlyog installation directory.

    From the Sqlyog helpfile:

    “SJA can also be used as a command line tool that accepts a Job Definition file encoded in XML as one of the parameters. You can either create the Job Definition file manually or use one of the wizards included with SQLyog. If you use SQLyog to create your job files, you don't need to have any knowledge about XML or the Job Definition schema.” I would add the that you can let the wizard in sqlyog build the job file and save it instead of executing it.

    The syntax is simply 'sja.exe Y/N job.xml'

    Y og N means Yes or No to “abort on error”. But 1st parameter can be omitted.

    in reply to: Problem with Personal Folders #17658

    Sorry .. I mismatched English “mp3_files” and Danish “mp3_filer”

    .. but I believe you got the point!

    in reply to: Problem with Personal Folders #17657

    BTW …

    what is the idea that an ordinary .sql or .txt-file must be reformatted and renamed by Sqlyog to a .mys -file.

    I tried opening an .mys file in a text editor and Sqlyog has added a non-printable character at the end. If I take an ordinary .txt file rename it to .mys and copy it to the personal folder the last character is missing when inserting it from the gui.


    File with the content “select * from mp3_files” will show up as “select * from mp3_file” in the SQL-pane

    However if I add ANY character at the end like

    “select * from mp3_files!” it wil show up as “select * from mp3_filer” and execute correctly.

    Why those capers ?

    (“capers” is according to my dictionary the translation for Danish “narrestreger” that could also be tranlated literally as “fool's invention” 😛 )

    in reply to: INNOBB data files builds up #17686

    there is the solution to use the


    – parameter in the my.ini file (can be set from “mySQL Administrator too). That will create an ibd-file for each table – nicely organized in folders with the name of respective databases. Just as with MYISAM tables.

    The reason for the file “build up” was that I had created several copies of the DB's involved in my experiment. Now the respective folders are deleted when I drop the obsolete DB's.

    But that of course will only take effect with tables created after the change in my.ini

    in reply to: Copy table …. #17685

    thanks …

    in reply to: Copy table …. #17683

    I'm sorry .. but I seem to have been confused to one point.

    Importing a DUMP also takes a lot of time. Maybe just as much. But SQLyog does not “black out” when importing a DUMP as it does with “copy table”. With the dump there is also a progress bar. I would like that for “copy DB” too and if possible some other indicator (blinking or whatever) that everything is in progres as it should.

    in reply to: Almost Cosmetic – ALTER TABLE bug #17668

    It does not seem so simple 😡

    Right now I can't reproduce either. If and when the problem occurs again I'll do some more research into it!

    in reply to: set focus on SQL window #17645

    have a look at 4.06 beta6

    I think I too will start complaining about this “useless” program to forward my issues … 😀

    in reply to: Stored Procedures (MySQL 5.0.3) #17653

    OK . Ritesh was there allready …

    in reply to: Stored Procedures (MySQL 5.0.3) #17651

    Lease take your tame to read through these ,,,



    But Ritesh has told me that some issues – among others with character sets and an ablity to chose between languages i the Sqlyog GUI and Scheduled ODBC-import – will have first priority . (Will probably take about 2 maybe 3 mths to accomplish) before they can really go into the new features of MySQL 5.

    DELIMITER option does not work in SQLYOG (and not i MySQL's own MySQL Query Browser either) It's only implemented in COnmmand-lene tool. Probably the libraries that from MySQL that must be must compiled into an GUI tool like Sqlyog are not yet out. It's seems that MySQL themselves quite “forgot” alle other clients than command-line.

    Even a simpel Stored Procedyre that has only ones statement in it and this won't need delimiters like

    procedure p set @myvar = “We want GUI support for Stored Procedures”

    won't work from Sqlyog og MySQL Query Browser because the libray doesn't know about SP's but thinks that you a trying a session-defined procedure (or user-function)and returns the error messige “Procedure statement must include INTO” or something like that …

    But I too would like to use SQLYOG for working with SP's and Triggers too.

    in reply to: Bug: 4.05 Copy result to clipboard #17635

    thx …I'll do my best that no-one at webyog get bored or will ever sleep at night 😆

    No actually: a drop-down box with templates that reads it's input from an XML-file would allow people to create their own templates easily … But for the near future just some more logic and clarity would be fine… I don't know how much this copy-facility is used at all. Maybe the people that use it know how to handle it.

    in reply to: Bug: 4.05 Copy result to clipboard #17633

    Right Shade … 😀

    Actually there could be some sort of “templates” described (or even implemented somehow. Buttons ?) like

    “High readability” “To use with texteditors” “To use as CSV” “To use with SQL” “Rich Text Format” “XML-schema” etc …

    Just in case someone gets bored at webyog or can't sleep at night 😛

    in reply to: Bug: 4.05 Copy result to clipboard #17630

    🙂 That's good …

    But honestly , you must admit that the design of the “copy to clipboard”-dialogue is rather poor .. ah ??

    Redesign/rearrange it – put a few explanations in it (for instance explain with a few words why it's important to use an escape-character) and change “optional” to “CHARs and VARCHARS only”. You shouldn't need to know all details of MySQL-syntax to use a GUI ….

    The dialogue box does not need to be that small. It's rather confusing as it is! And the program's defaults makes it even more confusing!

    in reply to: Bug: 4.05 Copy result to clipboard #17628

    BTW …

    I think it would be more logical if the “enclosed by”box was followed by the “escaped by”box in the dialogue

    since the escape-character escapes the enclose-character …

    in reply to: Bug: 4.05 Copy result to clipboard #17627

    well .. the ' character was used as the character to ENCLOSE fields – rather 😡

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