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Copy table ….

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    • #8959

      With this Database

      /*Database Information For – billeder*/

      Name Engine Version Row_format Rows Avg_row_length Data_length Max_data_length Index_length Data_free Auto_increment Create_time Update_time Check_time Collation Checksum Create_options Comment

      currentusers InnoDB 9 Redundant 0 0 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      databaseinfo InnoDB 9 Redundant 1 16384 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      findcriteria InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      foundlists InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      foundthumbs InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      gallery InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 16384 0 1 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      gallerythumb InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 32768 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      keyword InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 16384 0 2 2004-10-18 16:30:41 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      logins InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 32768 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      path InnoDB 10 Compact 46 1424 65536 0 81920 0 3 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      tempuserfields InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      thumbnail InnoDB 10 Compact 8378 4077 34160640 0 770048 0 4 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      thumbnailkeyword InnoDB 10 Compact 0 0 16384 0 65536 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      userfields InnoDB 10 Compact 3369 68 229376 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      userfieldsinfo InnoDB 10 Compact 1 16384 16384 0 0 0 (NULL) 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      volume InnoDB 10 Compact 3 5461 16384 0 0 0 5 2004-10-18 16:30:42 (NULL) (NULL) latin1_swedish_ci (NULL) InnoDB free: 76800 kB

      /*End of Database Information For – billeder*/ (sorry but I couldn't figure out how to produce a better layout)

      the Sqlyog program seems to hang after copying tables “thumbnail” (and if I omit “thumbnail” then after copying “userfields” ). Note that they take of the most space. Thumbnail takes around 34 MB (BLOB of .jpg-data) and Userfields takes around 23 KB. The other fields are much smaller (almost empty). However the column is copied OK, before the program (seems to) hang. If I omit the two problematic colums everything is OK …

      I can open another Sqlyog session and watch the table being built and after the last record is added in “thumbnail” the first instance of sqlyog becomes irresponsive. However If I wait for about 10-15 minutes everything finishes, sqlyog (first instance) “wakes up” and informs me that all was copied OK – and it is. Since an SQL-dump is loaded in a few seconds why must this take so long time ?? I'm copying between two tables on local server.

      I have dumped and reloaded the DB (using SQLyog), but that does not change anything.

      I don't know if it is an SQLYOG issue or an issue with MySQLserver 5.0.4 or just my INNODB settings or a combination of them. Or maybe just another problem with Sqlyog not being multithreaded ?

      The DB is used by the program ThumbsPlus http://www.cerious.com and MUST use INNODB for a least some of the tables since it uses FK's. And I can't change anything in the definitions, because then the ThumbsPlus program won't accept the database (that is a archive of photographs)

      Definitions for the two colums



      CREATE TABLE `thumbnail` (

      `idThumb` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

      `idPath` int(11) default '0',

      `idFiletype` int(11) default '0',

      `file_time` int(11) default '0',

      `thumbnail_time` int(11) default '0',

      `filesize` int(11) default '0',

      `checksum` int(11) default '0',

      `width` int(11) default '0',

      `height` int(11) default '0',

      `horiz_res` int(11) default NULL,

      `vert_res` int(11) default NULL,

      `colortype` smallint(6) default NULL,

      `colordepth` smallint(6) default NULL,

      `gamma` smallint(6) default NULL,

      `thumbnail_width` smallint(6) default NULL,

      `thumbnail_height` smallint(6) default NULL,

      `thumbnail_type` int(11) default NULL,

      `thumbnail_size` int(11) default NULL,

      `name` varchar(255) default NULL,

      `thumbnail` longblob,

      `annotation` text,

      `metric1` blob,

      `metric2` blob,

      `metric3` blob,

      PRIMARY KEY (`idThumb`),

      UNIQUE KEY `PathName` (`idPath`,`name`),

      KEY `{A8761EBB-6021-4395-8C72-303AED531D83}` (`idPath`)




      CREATE TABLE `userfields` (

      `idThumbUDF` int(11) default NULL,

      `uf_Original_DateTime` varchar(23) default NULL


    • #17683

      I'm sorry .. but I seem to have been confused to one point.

      Importing a DUMP also takes a lot of time. Maybe just as much. But SQLyog does not “black out” when importing a DUMP as it does with “copy table”. With the dump there is also a progress bar. I would like that for “copy DB” too and if possible some other indicator (blinking or whatever) that everything is in progres as it should.

    • #17684

      This is due to the fact that SQLyog is a single threaded app. Behind the scenes it is importing the DUMP but you are not getting any GUI updation.

      We plan to make SQLyog multithreaded taking one option at a time.

      After Export/Import and Stop Query, we plan to make Copy Table multithreaded.

    • #17685

      thanks …

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