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  • Mahesh

    1. I love the ability to print the schema, but I can't figure out how to not make it print 3 blank pages in addition to the 3 with schemas on them. I turn on the guides and there are no tables on these blank pages but they print anyway.

    Issue Confirmed if the tables are placed closer to the edges of first page.

    We will fix this with high priority.

    2.The second problem is they are not really blank, there is a very light gray printed on them, the same very light gray that is a background on all the printed design schema pages. this is waste of ink and paper, to print out a very light gray box on a whole sheet of paper.

    — This issue we have added in our issue tracker. We will look into this later(Not high priority).

    in reply to: Error 1205: Lock Wait Timeout #30540

    1) please execute

    SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%innodb_lock_wait_timeout%';

    . and paste the result here.

    It looks very much like some other application used and locked the tables (for backup for instance) while sync was running. If a transaction on an InnoDB table cannot be committed in innodb_lock_wait_timeout-time it is rolled back. Do you get the same error for the same tables if you try again?

    'innodb_lock_wait_timeout' variable cannot be set dynamically – it must be set at startup (typically in configuration file).

    2) Also, please give us the sample data for both source and target databases along with their structure.

    3) Please tell exact MySQL server version?

    FYI : http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?22,206434,246034#msg-246034

    in reply to: No Databases In Left Panel #30531

    Can you please check the permission for user by executing this command:

    a. show grants for 'username'@'host';

    b. Also execute “show databases;” (Does this query returns database name mentioned in connection dialogue)

    in reply to: Join Number & Text Columns Into One Column #30483

    We may have totally misunderstood. You used the term 'join' so we understood that you were JOINing in the SQL meaning of the word. Now I rather think that you are concatenating two values. That is simple – just use the ROUND() and CONCAT() functions:

    SELECT CONCAT(currency,' ',ROUND(`value`,2)) AS result FROM currency;

    what would return like

    EUR 35.57
    USD 35.00
    CHI 34.57
    in reply to: Join Number & Text Columns Into One Column #30481

    You can achieve this by executing query :

    ALTER TABLE `test`.`currency` CHANGE `value` `value` DOUBLE(4,2) NULL ;

    Also through GUI give for double column give length as (4,2) this will do the needful.

    in reply to: #28319

    We have checked with Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS wine 1.0 and KDE 3.5.10, but still not reproducible.

    Also we do not have any similar report like this.

    Probably this might be some specific issue with OS/hardware settings in your case, you can try installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu OR try in another machine.

    Please try this:

    a. After click on “Refresh” button in toolbar OR

    b. Goto Tools- Preferences- Others tab and check Option “Automatically refresh Table data tab on focus”

    in reply to: #28318

    Thanks for the information.

    We will set up similar environment and let you know about the status, It will take probably 2-3 days.

    in reply to: Smtp Server Bug? #30445


    Can you please give us an access to SMTP server, this will be helpful to debug the problem?

    You can create a ticket for privacy from here http://webyog.com/support/

    in reply to: #28316

    We are still not able to reproduce this issue at our end on RHEL 5.3 (Tikanga) and Wine version 1.0.1

    Please tell,

    1) Paste output of these commands:

    a. uname -a

    b. cat /etc/issue

    c. wine –version

    2) Are you getting an warning message like “Do you really want to truncate table `table_name`…? after (SHIFT+DEL)

    If so please click “Yes” on confirmation message and see the result.

    3) After “Truncate table” operation paste the history of recently executed queries here.

    4) Also you can try this from editor:


    truncate table `table_name`;

    and after this execute

    select * from `table_name`; (This should return 0 rows)

    in reply to: Smtp Server Bug? #30442


    Make sure that you have used proper encryption method in drop-down (No Encryption/TLS/SSL)?

    in reply to: Query Builder Not Updating #30395

    Thanks for your valuable feedback.

    1. and pasting or manually editing created query the visual builder does not visually create tables and relationships?

    — Currently it is not possible to edit a query and reflect the changes to Query builder UI.

    And also you can copy query to New tab and edit there but the changes will not be shown in QB because Query tab and QB tab are different.

    BTW: Soon we are planning to release QB save/load feature, which will Save a QB layout along with query and Load layout with the same.

    This feature is in development stage, We are planning to release first beta probably within 2-3 weeks.

    2. and selecting/dragging columns …there is no visual indicator on the table to show what columns are selected?

    — Yes.. currently only source column gets highlighted not the target column.

    QB will highlight target column on focus, this we have added in our TODO list.

    3. results – I can not seem to find a way to filter/search through query Results ( I see the Filter menu but it is grayed out as well as there is no option to type in the “value” of choice.

    — Currently Sorting and filtering of rows is possible in “Table data” tab only.

    Also Sorting on result set feature is in development stage and filtering of rows in Result tab we will do after this feature.

    in reply to: Help #30317


    This is not SQLyog's problem in fact it's an error thrown by MySQL if authentication details are wrong like Username OR password associated with it.

    Are you sure that you have used correct password for 'root'@'localhost' user while connecting ?

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30150

    Oops! forgot to attach a screenshot

    in reply to: Chinese Characters Problem #30148

    We have tried with v 8.2 with chinese character works fine at our end. ( see the screen shot )

    Are you sure that column level charset is Utf8 ?

    in reply to: Calculate Optimal Datatypes Error #30115

    Also if you can give certain information mentioned below along with dump file will be helpful.

    1) Whether program crashes with particular table while performing “Calculate Optimal Datatypes” ? If so execute the SQL queries mentioned below and paste the output:

    i) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `table_name`;

    ii) SELECT * FROM `table_name` PROCEDURE ANALYSE(1, 10);

    2) MySQL server version you are using?

    3) Connection method used (Direct/HTTP/SSH)?

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 439 total)