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usually it's a server/network related issue, see
Does it happen with HTTP-tunnelling too ?
Suggestion is that you discuss the matter with the service personel at the server's side!
peterlaursenParticipant1) It seems that the column selection only works as it should if you specify a WHERE-clause. It's a BUG (and actually a bad one I think!) Check if your XML-file says “
” even if you specify columns. 2) I can't use “Move Down” either. Actually I don't understand why these buttons are there ..
3) Sqlyog ver 4.1 should be relased in a little less than 2 months (I think). That should fix all character-set related issues, and provide interface for localization of the GUI.
peterlaursenParticipantThe text-type is intended for use where “char” and “varchar” is not big enough. That means > 255 charcjteres (with mysql varchar can actually be 65000 characteres). So I think it should be shown with som symbolic link, like a button, as it is. But I'd Like some more flexible settings. Especilally that the program could remember the column witdths.
Howver you allready can check/uncheck “truncate column headers to max data size” in the settings dialogue.
peterlaursenParticipantYou CAN rename a connection! Just press the “…”-button and enter the new name.
But sorting after connection-mame, URL of the server and name of the user would be nice …
There was an old request too, that it should be an opton NOT to store the password(s) for the connection(s). Don't forget this one!
peterlaursenParticipantYou can still click on a table, press enter and the SQL is displayed in the history-pane. You can copy it from there. But I'm afraid I don't understand. The only SQL that you'll get help to write with this procedure is this single and simple statment
Quote:Select * from tbl_name limit 1, 1000;But I can't tell why this statement is not displayed in the SQL-pane anymore. Probably just because nobody thought it was important or even useful.
peterlaursenParticipantHow many tables are involved in the sync ? Tables without a PK should not sync at all. I read the log-messge so that two tables do not qualify for sync (due to missing PK's) and are skipped and the rest of the tables are sync'ed
“Sync started at Thu May 12 14:00:00 2005” is the only message you'll get except for error messages.
Is the “abort on error” option set in the XML-file (I guess not!) ?
I believe the best thing you could do is to have a PK in all tables. If some tables are sync'ed and others not, I would not exclude that some transactions performed later could create empty or dublikate rows. Depends on the datastructure and what actions are performed on the data.
It's also a possibility that there isn't really empty or dublicate rows but only that the application used for reading the data “think”s there is, due to pointers pointing to the wrong row from one table to another. That could also easily be a result of an incomplete sync.
Of course there is not use to use two-way sync if you only want to write data from one server to another. But that in itself should not result in empty or dublicate rows.
I think it is not possible to say more as long as we don't know the table structure. For instance if FK's are used.
peterlaursenParticipantYes – and so is a “bit” type … so that's a BLOB too ? 😀
peterlaursenParticipantthats's it Ritesh!
First click in a Table Cell highlights the cell as a whole.
Second click highlights the text in it.
Third Click positions the cursor within the text
The GUI bug ocuurs after second and third click, but not after the first!
peterlaursenParticipantWhen I open Sqlyog the first SQL-statement from the history pane is
“Set character_set_results=utf8”
even though my default charcater set is latin1 with swedish collation (never bother to change to dansih though I'm Danish, since everething works!) . However still everything is displayed correctly on my screen. But I think the german collation is something rather new (I remember I read in the MySQL documentation/changelogs that they introduced it to produce the same sort order as in German phone-books). So that collation might still have it's problems.
Quite funny actually since Swedish also have special characters with umlauts ä and ö (but no ü).
peterlaursenParticipant>> Shadow
do you have any other programs running? I remember with 4.0.0 I had a GUI error that only occurred when Outlook2000 was running!
It's a problem with the “result pane” only. If you copy to clipboard and paste into SQL-pane or a text-editor it's OK!
The problem is related to characters to produce LineFeed and CarriageReturn. They are mismatched by the result pane. It's displayed as a square followed by (I think) 3 space-characters
peterlaursenParticipantMuch better:
Personal folders (if there is any need for it at all) should be ANYWHERE and Sqlyog should only save a .lnk not a real file. And “Drag and Drop” would be a nice thing for the editor pane.
I use my SQL with quite a lot of clients (MS-Office and OpenOffice program for instance), and I'd prefer to save the scripts in a quite a lot of different folders depending on how I use them. For instance if I have a template i OO-Writer that I use for a monthly report, I would like to have the SQL in the same folder as the template.
peterlaursenParticipantI have a base with a lot of strings with german, swedish, spanish, portuguese, french, czech etc. that all contain special characters and no problems with Sqlyog and either MySQL 4.0.x, 4.1.x or 5.0.x .
However I notice that when Ritesh (he has a copy of some of the data) queries this base of mine he gets weird graphics too
Ritesh has said that all chracter set related issues wil be fixed with Sqlyog 4.1.
What is your MySQL server version? And you haven't changed it recently ?
Could you paste in the definition for the table with just a few rows of data taht mismatch ?
(or better append it as a file – or both!))
I have experienced that M$-Excel-2000 is not compatible with the management of character sets of MySQL 5.0.x (and maybe 4.1.x too). Excel destroys the charcter set although data display correctly in the program itself. So if your data have been imported with Excel or another program with similar defect that could be the problem!
peterlaursenParticipantdid you see this one:
peterlaursenParticipantI think you can't. Syncronization needs identical or at least “compatible” MySQL server versions. It's not only timestams that are problems. Did you try Sqlyog 4.06 RC1…t=ST&f=2&t=1369 ??
Ver 4.0.x and 5.1.x won't sync either even if all fields are simple numbers and varchars.
It has this one new feature:
Quote:SQLyog Job Agent now checks for MySQL versions compatibility during Data Synchronization. It will note continue if the implementation of concat_ws between the MySQL versions are found to be incompatible.You can have more versions of MySQL installed and switching between then is quite easy with “MySQL Administrator”. Just correct the “configure service” and “starup variables” panes (4 strings need to be edited) and then stop and restart the server.