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  • in reply to: Feature: MySQL Functions in Context Menu #18172

    Agreed! You can compare the inline help of “MySQL Query Browser” with the “templates” feature og SQLyog. You are not the first to request (I have too!) more functions like that.

    in reply to: Feature: Show Errors in History Tab #18173

    concerning: importing really large batch insert statements: There is a setting in the MySQL server configuration file (my.cnf/my.ini) name MAX-ALLOWED_PACKET that controls this. If the server configuration is under your control you can raise the value (and stop and restart mySQL for the changes to take effect). Actually there migth be two MAX-ALLOWED_PACKET -values: one for use with the Mysqldump -utility another for clients like SQLyog.

    If the .sql file is generated with SQLyog you can have one row with each INSERT statement by unchecking “create bulk insert statements” in the export dialogue.

    in reply to: base64_decode images #18162

    the difference of the “text” types and the “BLOB” types are that “text” only accepts character-input, BLOB accepts all (Binary) inputs.

    As I read from here: http://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/base64/ base 64 was created to allow transmision of binary data by email. I can't see any idea in transforming binary data to charcater data in order to store it in a database.

    in reply to: can sync if i have frequent transaction? #18167

    It seems to me that in this case you should use the built-in replication feature of the MySQL server itself.

    in reply to: WHERE -clause with SJA #18002
    Insert/Update/Deleted data consists number from both source and target. Thus it need not be necessarily same as numbers of Source server.

    OK – that makes sence with a two-way sync. But this case was a one-way sync!

    In case of two way-sync It would be nice it it displayed inserted, updated and deleted for each host independently.

    in reply to: Problem importing CSV file #18050

    Well , yes I can import the data I sent you with the setting that you propose.

    But that's not logical at all, I believe!!

    1) Why must the escape-sequence be \ when there is nothing to escape here ??

    2) Why must the fields be enclosed by ” ' ” when they really are only enclosed by ” ' ” ?

    3) I also don't understand why the “lines teminated by” must be ” n “. Using anything else generates an error. The program shoul prevent me from using values that won't work! But maybe a little bit of documentation would sort things out ??

    4) Why can't I just use exactly the same vaules in the export-settings dialogue and the import-settings dialogue ?

    in reply to: can sync if i have frequent transaction? #18165

    there is no chance that you can build another PK than one based upon an autoincrement integer ??

    in reply to: Problem importing CSV file #18048

    I still am not able to import anything!

    Data look like (note there are no ” ' “s)


    7AFD950-6CB3-4953-9DCA-1|For Rita – Evening Take


    E9C9C09-343F-4FB4-91A8-A|For Rita – Morning Take



    129C402A-A72B-4AC8-B2D6-6|Nejmet el Sahara

    19E68636-889A-4FF9-8512-F|Blue Dessert

    26928406-1FA7-4024-98BE-F|Chi Youm


    A6EF2974-BB21-4EDB-8A87-5|El Wahha

    AB93A970-B3C1-41F1-B2FC-F|Nour el Nar

    B86A4270-81D5-4FF3-9C02-9|Min Samarkand


    C7413231-8AB0-4645-B47C-1|Valse Arabe



    with the setting that you propose

    I get these warnings

    Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'guid' at row 1

    Warning 1261 Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns

    And I get one EMPTY row inserted and nothing more!

    I also really don't understand why the escape-char matters here since the “enclose”character does not appear in dthe dataset.

    in reply to: Problem importing CSV file #18045


    You got mail ! 🙄

    in reply to: Problem importing CSV file #18039

    I also get the error “error while importing data” with this dataset


    '07AFD950-6CB3-4953-9DCA-1'|'For Rita – Evening Take'


    '0E9C9C09-343F-4FB4-91A8-A'|'For Rita – Morning Take'



    '129C402A-A72B-4AC8-B2D6-6'|'Nejmet el Sahara'

    '19E68636-889A-4FF9-8512-F'|'Blue Dessert'

    '26928406-1FA7-4024-98BE-F'|'Chi Youm'


    'A6EF2974-BB21-4EDB-8A87-5'|'El Wahha'

    'AB93A970-B3C1-41F1-B2FC-F'|'Nour el Nar'

    'B86A4270-81D5-4FF3-9C02-9'|'Min Samarkand'


    'C7413231-8AB0-4645-B47C-1'|'Valse Arabe'



    And this table definition:

    CREATE TABLE `tablename1` (

    `id` char(25) default NULL,

    `pic` varchar(255) default NULL


    Export dialogue box in pic

    I tried a lot of different settings and nothing works. Not even if data are exported with SQLyog and imported with the same settings.

    Always thought that there was something wrong with this CSV feature. Besides it relates closely to problems with the “copy from clipboard” option previously discussed in the forum.

    in reply to: SJA from php #18133


    If you paste in a short piece of working PHP-code, I can test. I have about the same setup (Apache version 2.0.54 and php-version 5.04 with WinXP SP2) running on my computer.

    I just don't know how to launch an external program from PHP … 🙁

    You didn't copy sja.exe to another location ?

    in reply to: using text file to upload tables #18147

    You can read about the error message “MySQL server has gone away” here.


    Try putting fewer/only one row/record in each INSERT statement, like

    insert into `tablename` values ('1001','first name1','lastname1','dob1','education1');

    insert into `tablename` values ('1002','first name2','lastname2','dob2','education2');

    etc …

    If the test-file is generated with SQLyog you can uncheck the “insert bulk statement” checkbox in the export dialogue box.

    in reply to: using text file to upload tables #18145

    a few points …

    You don't import/export to a “webserver”. A webserver (like Apache or IIS) handles HTML-files and possibly preprocessed files like PHP, ASP and JSP. What you mean is probably a “remote mySQL server” located with your webhosting.

    SQLyog is a MySQL-client and terms used with with SQLyog are as with the MySQL server itself. So when you are connected to a MySQL server with SQLyog as the client and “upload” a .sql-file it is an IMPORT. Data are IMPORTED to the database controlled to the MySQl-server. Every MySQL client uses this terminlogy.


    I start to be somewhat confused about this thread! Are problems solved ? If there still is a problem, that you wouild like some help solve, then please summarize where you are at. I lost the meaning of all this 😮

    If you are unable to IMPORT a .sql file to the databaseserver the INSERT statements could be too long and thus conflict with the MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET setting with the server. If that's it you can uncheck “Create Bulk Insert Statements” in the export dialogue. Then each row will have it''s own INSERT-statement.

    in reply to: import from access #18063

    @ sne

    what are

    1) the MySQL-version ?

    2) the storage engine ?

    3) the default charset (and collation if it applies) of the MySQl server ?

    I know nothing in particular about cyrillic charsets, but instead of importing directly you might save as an sql-file and edit it with a text-editor and insert somthing like “ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1”

    it should ocur here

    `last-row` mediumtext,

    PRIMARY KEY (`myPk`)


    /*Data for the table `mp3_filer` */

    insert into …..

    What does the .sql-file look like, when you open it ??

    Can you enter data from the keyboard OK ?

    You could also try exporting from Access. Does that give the same result ?

    in reply to: Error message when adding to table #18154

    Myabe you should read a littele bit in the mySQL documentation!

    about the MERGE og mgr-isam storage machine


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