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  • in reply to: I'm first #18211

    In the very same thread I mentioned this problem too. I even posted one extra reply to remind you ..

    Posted: May 21 2005, 05:59 PM  

    BTW – that reminds me that in the above examples the eidtor does not recognize the concluding

    “………. ; ”

    of each statement.

    However if I put in a linebreak like

    “…….. <<< ;”

    – it does.

    It must be all that rain in India … 😮

    Again you can have a dump from one of the tables from my webserver and import to MySQL 5.x

    then execute this SQL (in one line) and you will get the error:

    CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `musik`.`kunstner` AS select count(0) AS `##`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` AS `Kunstner`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Genre` AS `Genre`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` AS `Albumtitel` from `musik`.`mp3_filer` where ((`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` is not null) and (`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` is not null) and (`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` <> _latin1'') and (`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` <> _latin1'')) group by `musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Genre` order by `musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Genre`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel`;

    this however is OK (linebreak before concluding “;”):

    CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED VIEW `musik`.`kunstner` AS select count(0) AS `##`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` AS `Kunstner`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Genre` AS `Genre`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` AS `Albumtitel` from `musik`.`mp3_filer` where ((`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` is not null) and (`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` is not null) and (`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` <> _latin1'') and (`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` <> _latin1'')) group by `musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Genre` order by `musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Genre`,`musik`.`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel`;

    I can't be sure, but I believe it is the number of chars IN ONE LINE before the concluding “;” alone that is the problem, and that it has nothing to do with the actual content of the statement. But that sort of long statements will occur with machine-generated SQL. Actually this one is pasted from the objects-pane in SQLyog itself.

    in reply to: Query execution time reported incorrectly in 4.05 #18336

    It's on localhost. Direct API-connect.

    Try it yourself with one of the tables form my webserver (dump it to your local).

    in reply to: Query execution time reported incorrectly in 4.05 #18334

    about 38000 😛

    step 3) takes only a few seconds to complete

    step 5 an eternity although it is basically the same!

    Only difference is that message tab has been shown in between

    I can try and let it run longer (I let it for about 10-15 minutes only) if you want me too.

    When using OpenOfice Base Beta 2 as a client it is less than a second to load the whole table. And that is with either ODBC or JDBC -connector that should be slower than the C-API ….

    It must be the heat in India … 😀

    in reply to: still problems with \ character in PK #18218

    Same behaviour with MySQL 5.07

    When syncing to a target that is empty, rows are INSERTED as they should

    But when target is NOT empty result is (as before)

    Table SrcRows TgtRows Inserted Updated Deleted

    ========================= ======= ======= ======== ======= =======

    `mp3_filer_copy` 38306 38215 0 0 0

    Total time taken – 16 sec(s)

    in reply to: Query execution time reported incorrectly in 4.05 #18331

    my server version (right at the moment) is 5.0.7 so it is no server-specific issue.

    in reply to: Query execution time reported incorrectly in 4.05 #18329

    it seems to be the same with 4.06 and 4.07. I believe message “# ms taken” is a message sent from the server. And the message displayed probably is not the one relating to the SQL you just executed from from the SQL-pane.

    Testing this issue I came across another bug (4.07).

    to reproduce:

    1) select a table in the Object Browser

    2) click data tab

    3) check “show all”

    4) click messages tab

    5) click data tab again.

    … and the program starts working like mad without nothing happening. You'll have to stop the Sqlyog proces from tray or task manager.

    in reply to: still problems with \ character in PK #18217

    I can mail you DUMPS of the two tables as well. ZIP-file approx. 5 MB.

    in reply to: Version 4.07 missing from download page #18323

    There is a link from here:


    It's quite usual the the main download page does not link to early BETA's 😉

    in reply to: still problems with \ character in PK #18216

    I just repated trying to sync the table between two DB's on my localhost using SJA (just to be sure that it was not involving some mess with my ridiculous webhost!). It won't work either when PK is a Windows' filename. No matter whether HTTP-tunnelling is used or not.

    However, if I start with an EMPTY TARGET DATABASE (emptying the “mp3_filer_copy” table), all rows from table “mp3_filer” are synced (inserted). It seems to be same issue as reported here



    If you still have connection details to my test DB on my webhost there is now a table “mp3_filer” containing result of a succesfull sync (not using filname as PK) and another table “mp3_filer_copy” with the data on target before the sync. (Please note the different PK's with the two tables). Some field identifiers are in Danish Language. Hope you can handle that 😉

    If use use the field “Filnavn” (means “File Name”) as the PK you will not be able to sync with table “mp3_filer” as the sorce and “mp3_filer_copy” as the target. It gives 0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes.

    in reply to: sync problem #18207


    You might be interested in follwing this discussion:


    I have run into some problems like yours …

    in reply to: I'm first #18209

    more correct:

    having more characters than the editor can handle.


    having more characters IN ONE LINE than the editor can handle.

    when inserting a linefeed before the “;” it works

    in reply to: I'm first #18208

    however this does.

    Problem is that the “;” concluding/ending the first SQL-statement is not being “caught” and thus not passed to MySQL in a correct way due to statement having more characters than the editor can handle.

    in reply to: can sync if i have frequent transaction? #18171

    Then you will probably know more about it than I !

    If the setup of accounts and the bin-log is done correctly I have no more ideas …

    in reply to: can sync if i have frequent transaction? #18169
    Does your product support setting up MySQL's built-in replication between 2 servers?

    There is no need to! This is controlled by the MySQL server configuration files. There is a whole section in the MySQL manual describing replication with MySQL. Start here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/replication.html

    The main reason issue that you must understand here is that SJA is not AT ALL any sort of “daemon� running with the MySQL server “supervising� or “over viewing� what the server is doing. As any MySQL client it starts (when you or some application or some scheduling feature starts it), it does its job, it finishes and it closes down when it is done! It is not permanently running.

    in reply to: Synch 2 tables with different names #18202

    your are welcome … but I really am not sure if it was any help!

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