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MemberI downloaded and installed the trial. When I try to run it, I get a message that the “Trial has expired”. Huh? I just installed it. Could it have to do with the older 2.8.2 version I am using? I installed the trial into a new directory and modified the existing service to point to it.
MemberI'll try downloading the trial version and see if that works any differently. I'll let you know.
MemberNothing in the log file at all.
MemberHi Sayan,
Yes, I am running under windows, using ssh via SFTP to connect to and access the remote windows machine. The user has sufficient privileges to access the file. I switched to using the Share path but get the same results. Below is a log message from my SSH server when MonYog attempts to access the log file (using Test Path). The file can be opened by Notepad. It sure seems like MonYog is attempting write access. Is there some other explanation? Thanks.
Code:Session channel 1: FlowSfsWin: Opening file '\IP-0AF8D634MySqlDataslow_query.log' failed with
LockConflict. CreateFile() failed: Windows error 32: The process cannot access the file because it is
being used by another process.TuconsMike
MemberMahesh wrote on Jun 29 2008, 11:32 PM:I got this error while restoring the dump attached above.This error is obvious cause `Category` table does not exist while restoring the dump.
Also, I din get any error related to trigger , i can see from the SQLyog.err file attached by you that trigger related error was logged in year 2007.
Please empty the sqlyog.err file and try again the restore from dump and check what error message you are getting?
Sorry to take so long to get back to you. But thanks for pointing out that the error I was reading was the oldest one at the beginning of the file instead of the end. I re-ran the restore and got the same error as you. That is,
/*Data for the table `buyout_change_item` */
/*Table structure for table `buyout_product` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `buyout_product`Error occured at:2008-07-05 11:01:04
Line no.:486
Error Code: 1217 – Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint failsI see that the problem is that the restore did not take into account foreign key restrictions. This was my problem with my understanding. Originally, when specifying the dump, I did not set the “Set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0” to on. (Really didn't think about it). So I recreated the dump with the “Set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0” on and then tried restoring. There were no errors.
So thanks for persevering and helping me understand what was going on!
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Jun 26 2008, 10:49 AM:I have tried to reproduce that wrong database was exported. I cannot. Nertheless I think I have an idea ..What I imagine could be the problem is that the export idalogue has 'memory' of the filename. If you have exported db1 once as 'db1.sql', next you open the dialogue the proposed filename is still 'db1.sql' . It will overwrite (but prompt you to confirm the overwrite though!)
Do you think it is better that we as defaault 'fill out' the file name wiht the name of the database?
Or is the problem another?
I do not believe the wrong database was exported, since I can open the dump and verify that it is the correct one. However, whenever I attempt to restore the dump I get something else. I am not even sure where it is coming from.
One thing about these databases is they all start with the same name (e.g. metalsmith_target, metalsmith_1, etc.) However, only the metalsmith target has been dumped and attempted to be restored.
I am curious, did you try to restore the dump that I uploaded? And was it successful?
IMHO, yes it would be nice to have it default to the name of the database.
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Jun 26 2008, 10:02 AM:“It appears that even though I have selected one dump file, it is using another.”Please tell:
1) ” it is using another” the (complete) dump (not only the USE statement) is a backup of another database than what you thought it should be? correct?
I would say YES but I only see the part of the dump beginning with the error. When the error occurs it is obvious that the statement (DELETING a Trigger) does not even exist in the dump I was expecting to use. Also, I can see data further in the error file that does not belong to the proper dump.
2) “though I have selected” how did you select? by clicking in the Object Broser or using the dropdwon?
Both ways.
3) did you use the database context-menu in the Objects browser or the menu in the menu line for starting the dump process? Or is it 'scheduled backup' ?
Both ways (not scheduled backup)
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on May 2 2008, 02:49 PM:With Stored Procedures, Functions, Views and Events what we are displaying is what 'SHOW CREATE …' returns. So in these cases it is the server that does the formatting.With Triggers we build the CREATE statement generically (by querying Information_Schema) as there is no 'SHOW CREATE TRIGGER' statement.
In particular with VIEWs the server totally rewrites the statement at create time. This is because as per SQL standards a VIEW is 'defined frozen' at create time. If you
* create view aview as select * from atable
* alter atable add column ..
… then the view still references ONLY the columns existent at create time. So far it is reasonable and correct. But the formatting of a View as returned by the server is horrible!
What is your server version?
Can you post a few examples of this? But probably you should first ensure to have a recent server version!
I am using MySQL 5.0.45.
Here is a small example of a trigger that was formatted nicely with comments but now is askew w/o comments. (I removed the definer as I want to keep the user name private). Of course, you cannot see the comments but they existed before the Select and Update. Also notice that the Select and Update are indented too much. Not the case originally.
[codebox]DELIMITER $$
DROP TRIGGER /*!50032 IF EXISTS */ `metalsmith`.`t_inventoryAI`$$
TRIGGER `metalsmith`.`t_inventoryAI` AFTER INSERT ON `metalsmith`.`inventory`
DECLARE currentAmt decimal(17,10);
SELECT SUM(current_amount) INTO currentAmt
FROM inventory i
WHERE i.product_id = NEW.product_id;
UPDATE product p
SET p.current_amount = currentAmt – p.reserved_amount,
p.cost = f_getAvgCost(NEW.product_id)
WHERE p.product_id=NEW.product_id;
DELIMITER ;[/codebox]
MemberBy compile, I mean to create the procedure in SQLYog by the 'create/alter function' menu and then execute the code to generate the actual procedure. I guess compile is really not an appropriate phrase.
I have found that if I put the 'Show Warnings;' after the last line of the function definition, it will show all the warnings. Thanks for your suggestions.
MemberGreat. Thanks.
peterlaursen wrote on Mar 17 2008, 08:19 AM:After installation you will find it in SQLyog installation folder (SQLyogTunnel.php).Please read the 'getting started' paragraph of the help!
MemberI tried executing SHOW WARNINGS first, then compiled the stored procedure (actually a function) but there was no change in the result. Still a message saying there were 3 warnings, but not the warnings themselves.
Unfortunately, the function will not compile with a SHOW WARNINGS statement in it. Perhaps a stored procedure will.
Thanks for the info anyway.
peterlaursen wrote on Mar 17 2008, 08:17 AM:Execute “SHOW WARNINGS” (will display warnings for last operation that affected a table – for more exact details refer to MySQL docs). For debugging insert “show warnings” statements in the SP code itself at appropriate places.Better ideas out there?
MemberThanks, that makes sense. -MIke
peterlaursen wrote on Nov 25 2007, 03:35 AM:When a server is REGISTERED in is not automatically SELECTED (and displayed).This is designed like this mostly for those people who have an 'unlimited' license. If you have 30 servers registered for instance you would probably not display them all at the same time!
MemberI may have answered my own question. I believe I made a simple mistake of not clicking the SELECT button after I made the new server and/or edited it.
TuconsMike wrote on Nov 24 2007, 03:26 PM:Hi,I have a 2 server license. I had entered 2 servers to monitor with no problem. One of the servers crashed, so I deleted that server from MonYog and entered a new server. However when I did a ShowAll only the first server showed up. I went back to the server list and the 2nd server was not checked. I checked it and went back to the ShowAll and still only the first server showed up. It seems like the checkbox is not holding. Every time I look at the server list, the 2nd server is not checked even tho I checked it before changing tabs.
When I tried re-editing the 2nd server, all the settings had reverted back to default values, although in the list of servers it shows the names and addresses of both properly.
So is there a workaround for this? Do I have to reinstall MonYog?