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Uppercase Problem

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Uppercase Problem

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    • #10154

      When I try to create a table that has uppercase characters SQLyog converts them to lowercase. The only way to get uppercase is to go to the data directory in the MySQL installation directory and change the name there.

    • #23314

      “When I try to create a table that has uppercase characters SQLyog converts them to lowercase.”

      NO!!! Absolutely NO!!! The MySQL server does!

      “The only way to get uppercase is to go to the data directory in the MySQL installation directory and change the name there.”

      My advice: do not mess around with MySQL this way!

      You should set the “lower_case_table_names” system variable = 2 in server configuration!

      refer to: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ide…ensitivity.html

      However also read this:


      … there is a bug with some MySQL versions affecting InnoDB tables when the server is running on Windows!

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