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Sqlyog 9.61 Create New Table Bug

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Sqlyog 9.61 Create New Table Bug

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    • #12617

      I'm currently using SQLyog v 9.61 Ultimate and I think I'm encountering a small bug, though it's fairly easy to work around in the meantime.

      When I have completed defining a new table, using the tabbed interface, I get a syntax error (1064) when pressing the Save button. I've done a bit of investigation and it appears that there is a bug when you define a default column value and provide a comment for the colum. In this scenario it doesn't appear to put a space character between the default value and comment in the generated SQL – thus causing the syntax error. I've tried various field types and all are effected, so I suspect it's a global problem.

      E.g. a simple table I'm getting the following in SQL preview.

      Create table `NewTableTest`


      `testIntField` int DEFAULT 0COMMENT 'comment int test',

      `testVarcharField` varchar(25) DEFAULT 'default val'COMMENT 'comment varchar test',

      `testCharField` char(25) DEFAULT 'default val'COMMENT 'comment char test',

      primary key (`id`)


      It it easy to work around this by copying the SQL query from the preview tab, and manually adding the spaces where necessary.

    • #33193

      Issue confirmed. We will fix it with priority.

    • #33194
      If both a column default and a column comment was specified in CREATE/ALTER TABLE a SPACE-character was missing in the generated statement causing invalid syntax error. This bug was introduced in 9.5.

      We have released SQLyog v9.63 with this fix.

      Please refer: http://www.webyog.com/blog/2012/03/22/sqlyog-mysql-gui-9-63-released/

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