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Sql History

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    • #13504

      It would be great if any of the USER sent SQL-Statements would be logged into a permanent history file, including all the formatting as it was in the SQL window when sent to the server. So we could regain access to former queries we shot days or month ago.

      (I am NOT talking about the useless history window you already provide, which is crowded with statements your UI sends to the server)

    • #35669
      Kartik Grover



      What you are expecting from SQLyog actually comes under monitoring of your servers. SQLyog just GUI tool fro MySQL and this sort of a thing is out of scope in regards to SQLyog’s usage. If you want to view your old queries fired on the server you may take a look at another product we have, called MONyog. It can help you view your queries going back and forth in the time. Here you can read about it more >> https://www.webyog.com/product/monyog



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