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Should I Ue Bulk Inserts For A Large Table?

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Should I Ue Bulk Inserts For A Large Table?

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    • #12177

      Importing Option – Should I ue Bulk Inserts for a large table?

      The table is about 300 MB in size after being exported to a txt file from the source db

      Which optino should I select? (In the export Data as Batch Script Wizard)

      Generate bulk INSERT statement

      Generate complete INSERT statement

      Generate INSERT DELAYED statement

    • #31621

      Hi Joseph,

      The table is about 300 MB in size after being exported to a txt file from the source db

      Which optino should I select? (In the export Data as Batch Script Wizard)

      Generate bulk INSERT statement

      Generate complete INSERT statement

      Generate INSERT DELAYED statement

      You can use the “Generate Bulk INSERT statement” option. When this option is checked data from more rows will be written into a single INSERT statement. Each INSERT statement will be allowed to grow to the size specified in the 'Max. size of BULK INSERTS' setting.

      And to know about the settings that should be taken into consideration when specifying BULKS, you can refer the FAQ link:


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