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forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog semi-colons

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    • #7750

      hi there,

      I am quite desperate – I have created several tables in mySQL where the data has to be displayed in an html table which appears on an asp page. I have used the BLOB editor (being a beginner), and for some reason, it displays a semi-colon in every field, even empty ones that appear due to several fields in one table, and some of these fields contain data (is there perhaps a way of getting rid of empty datablocks underneath certain fields which are created where a parallel one next to it in another field contains data?) Can I get rid of these semi-colons as well? They appear whether a field displayed contains data or not

    • #13885

      I'm unclear as to what your problem is. Is it that your data has semi-colons in it? If so, simply remove them. (By hand if you don't know how to write the appropriate SQL code) They are not required for either SQLyog or mysql to work.

      Where did they come from? I don't use the blob editor often but when I do I never get errant characters of any kind inserted into my system.


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