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Rsa Key W/ Password Delay

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Rsa Key W/ Password Delay

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    • #12595

      I'm not sure if you would technically call this a bug but if you have a RSA key w/ password, if you type the correct password logs in right away. No problem. However, if you forget to type the password or type it incorrectly, the prompt hangs for around 50 seconds. This penalty for mistyping is pretty harsh. Is there any way that can be looked at and perhaps patched or is there something I can do that would alleviate the issue?


    • #33127


      if you forget to type the password or type it incorrectly, the prompt hangs for around 50 seconds.

      We are looking into this. We will get back to you.


      Ashwin A

    • #33128

      To anyone who cares about this issue, I ended up opening up a direct support ticket and they modified the software to correct this. So here is the correspondence about it.

      While it is not exactly a bug, it is annoying that the program locks up when the incorrect key/password is entered.

      We've looked into it and isolated the issue. We set an event and create the process which connects to MySQL via SSH. The process signals the event only when the connection is successful, else it waits for an internally set wait_timeout which is 30s.

      However, the wait_timeout needs to be atleast that long because sometimes it takes that long to connect (if there is a slow connection).

      We will see what we can do about this and update you at the earliest.

      The issue has been fixed and will be available in the next public release


    • #33129


      We have released 9.6 GA with this fix. Please refer: http://www.webyog.com/blog/2012/02/21/sqlyog-mysql-gui-9-6-released/



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