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Quick New Connection

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Quick New Connection

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    • #12338


      please consider adding this feature.

      Allow stored connections to be (optionally) added to a list of quick connections, or allow a list of recent connections, so when clicking the + tab have to two current menu items, but also a list of recent, or tags connections to allow a quick way to connect to a new MySQL server.

      if you decided on listing tagged connections, please allow a sort order.

      Also could you have a optional default database for each connection, I know the first named is defaulted when a named list of databases is listed, but if all is required, nice to have one pre-selected.

      Bruce Leister

    • #32273
      so when clicking the + tab have to two current menu items, but also a list of recent, or tags connections to allow a quick way to connect to a new MySQL server.

      Do you mean that when you click on “+” it should also list a few recently opened connections? Could you also please explain what tags connection means?

      Also could you have a optional default database for each connection, I know the first named is defaulted when a named list of databases is listed, but if all is required, nice to have one pre-selected.

      An option in Connection Manager called “Default Database” and when you enter a database name there, on connecting to that connection that particular database is highlighted?.

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