i am sorry, this is my mistake. i checked 8.22 and 8.3 beta 1 and there is consistent behavior
- start a long-running query –> Object Browser text is normal[*]query is running, shift focus to a different window –> Object Browser text dims (“greys out”)[*]query is running, return focus to SQLyog –> Object Browser text remains dimmed[*]query ends –> the Object Browser text is restored to its normal display (even if SQLyog does not have focus when the query ends)
i thought the dimming happened as soon as i began executing the query, but i see now that it happens only when a query is running and SQLyog loses focus.
i find the dimmed text is a good visual indicator of when the query ends and i can resume working in SQLyog. i like the dimming, can we make it a feature?
(just kidding.)