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Missing One Useful Feature

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog Comments Missing One Useful Feature

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    • #10010

      I love SQLyog!

      One feature I am missing is the ability to enter data in a field and let SQLyog to convert it using the MD5 algorithm (just like other popular tools does) before writing in the database.

      Is there any plan to include such a feature in the future?

      I am saving lot of time compared to my previous tool, specially when using the tunneling feature to connect on a remote server.


    • #22893

      The GUI does not provide hashing or encryption options. You can copy the INSERT or UPDATE from history and edit the statement using the md5() function and execute again (it will only work with string types however).

      BTW: I am a little surprised that you talk about MD5 and not SHA1. You cannot 'reverse engineer' a MD5 hash, but a SHA1 encryption you can.

    • #22894

      update `g_ads` set `ads_skin`=md5('phpCAMALEO') where `RRN`='15'

      yeeee! sometimes things are so obvious I do not even consider 😛

      I am using md5 to save passwords.

      thank you for you clue!

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