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Lost Connection

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Lost Connection

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    • #9649

      Bob Montejo added this comment to the FAQ:

      I'm new to mysql but I did have everything working. I installed stunnel between my client and mysql server. Before using stunnel, SQLyog was working fine and connecting to the server via port 3306. I tried using it after running stunnel but I got error 2003, no problem – I changed the connection to port 3307 and connected fine. When I changed the port, SQLyog asked me if I want to save the file and I said yes. Since then I lost my connection between my client and the server. I checked the server and mysql is listening on 3307. What file did SQLyog change in my server? I did a “find” in the server but I didn't find any “my.cnf”. Would appreciate any help in this regard.

    • #21437

      SQLyog does not change any files on the server. It has no access to do so either! It is only connection details that are saved to the sqlyog.ini file on your local machine.

      “Since then I lost my connection between my client and the server” What client are you talking about here? A client on the server or on your local? If it the 'mysql' client did you change the port setting in the [client] section of the my.cnf file as well?

      I have no experience with the 'stunnel' program and do not know what it does. Is this a client for Windows or a SSH-add on for Linux? Most people use Putty for creating a SSH connection to a shell session on *nix. There is no issue with running Putty and SQLyog at the same time. Do you use this 'stunnel' with SQLyog somehow? SQLyog Enterprise has a SSH-tunneller of its own.

      “I did a “find” in the server but I didn't find any “my.cnf” “. I really do not understand how you can change the MySQL port without having acces to the MySQL configuration file. Are you sure that you started the search form the OS's root folder ('/' not to be mismatched with '/root') .It should be in /etc folder (guess it is Linux?)

      Please explain a little bit more – if you still have problems.

    • #21438

      I research a little and found this:


      If you want to experiment with this you are on your own!

      We provide SQLyog Enterprise for SSH-encrypted connections to MySQL.

    • #21439

      One dosnt need to use Stunnel. plink should work great!

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