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Local Organization Of Tables

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Local Organization Of Tables

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    • #12183

      I have many many tables in one of my databases. Right now, I organize them by naming them appropriately. For example, any table that contains health insurance information for employees starts with the name HE_, any table that deals with statistics and reporting starts with the name ST_, research & development starts with RD_ etc.

      It would be nice to have a way to locally organize my tables into folders on the left pane. For example, I could create a local folder called Health Insurance, and drag/drop tables in there. That way, I'm not scrolling through hundreds of tables to find the group that I'm looking for. Very often I'll spend one or more entire days writing code based on the same half dozen or so tables, and to be able to collapse folders that contain all the other tables would help keep me organized.

      A method of locally organizing and viewing tables would be a huge benefit for me. Is that something that is possible?

      Thanks for the absolute best method of working with MySQL that I've ever had the pleasure to use.

      Michael diLorenzo

    • #31643

      Hi Michael ,

      Thank you for your feedback!

      We already have this request in our wish list:


      We will discuss and schedule this according to our priority.



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