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Import Multiple Dumps

forums forums SQLyog Using SQLyog Import Multiple Dumps

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    • #11541

      Hi everyone, first of all, I love this application. I use it at work, and at home for a pet project and it compliments PhpMyAdmin very well, when it comes to online vs offline DB Manipluation

      Ok, so heres the rub:

      I am working with a project that has a core that was developed on an open source platform.

      Anyway,the core is regularly updated by the authors, which sometimes includes changes to the MySQL tables they utilize. With their core updates come SQL updates, UNFORTUNATELY, they are usually in multiple SQL Dump files. I remember one time I had to update quite a few, and browsing to each one got tedious.

      Is there a way to import multiple SQL dumps in one job? I'm using Enterprise 6.13, Windows Server 2k3 RC2

      I should add that while not often, sometimes the updates span across 3 separate databases

    • #29152

      There is no way I can think of using SQLyog. But there are lots of ways to append one text file to another (command line editors etc.).

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