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Feature Request : Parentheses Highlight

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Feature Request : Parentheses Highlight

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    • #9716

      Similar to many IDE's when your cursor is on a ( or ) it highlights itself and it's partner as well. 🙂

    • #21807

      I am not sure if I understood the problem. What do you mean by partners? Can you give an example?

    • #21808

      For example

      SELECT *

      FROM (

      select * from table

      ) data1

      When your cursor is on the first parentheses, it highlights the second one so you easily identify where parentheses end and begin.

      Of course for this simple example it doesn't seem neccessary, but I have some very complex queries where there are many many parentheses and sometimes they aren't indented correctly so it is hard to follow without the syntax highlighting… I have to copy the SQL into a different editor to get that feature.

    • #21809

      I do not think the Editor component of SQLyog has the 'logic' or 'parsing ability' to do something like that.

      Basically it does only KEYWORD highlighting and tokenizes for DELIMITERS (the standard ” ; ” and any user defined created with the DELIMITER keyword) – no parsing is done (this is done by the parser component of the MySQL server itself – as it usually is the case with Database Client software).

      To do this I think we will need to add a complete new component – a 'pre-parser' of some kind.

      What editor do you use that has this feature?

    • #21810
      peterlaursen wrote on Jun 7 2006, 06:35 PM:
      What editor do you use that has this feature?

      there are a lot of editors with this feature, every editor with sql-synthax highlighting. brackets in general they nearly all understand (of cause not notepad, but ultra edit, pspad, jedit, etc).

    • #21811
      peterlaursen wrote on Jun 7 2006, 12:35 PM:
      I do not think the Editor component of SQLyog has the 'logic' or 'parsing ability' to do something like that.

      Basically it does only KEYWORD highlighting and tokenizes for DELIMITERS (the standard ” ; ” and any user defined created with the DELIMITER keyword) – no parsing is done (this is done by the parser component of the MySQL server itself – as it usually is the case with Database Client software).

      To do this I think we will need to add a complete new component – a 'pre-parser' of some kind.

      What editor do you use that has this feature?

      Personally I use notepad++ as my all in one editor, but I would like to use SQLyog as my all in one mysql editor… notepad++ is open source and written in c++ perhaps you guys can find out what he is using for this purpose.

      I don't know what you mean by 'pre-parser' as this feature would be something that occurs while you are typing or when you move your mouse over…

      And even if does not have the ability to highlight with a mouse over or cursor over, then even something like color coded pairs would help.

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