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Export to CSV

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Export to CSV

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    • #8433


      I;m using Version 3.7 and when i export to CSV

      The field “Fields Terminated By” doesn't remember it's value.

      The Field “Lines Terminated By” doesn't remember it's value.(Only when excecuted a new query)

      The Field “Enclosed By” isn't displaying the correct value in the export screen

      The Field “Terminated By” isn't displaying the correct value in the export screen

      Is there some way to fix this ?

      Or did i mis something in the settings .. or .. ? i dunno ..

    • #15782

      I have forwarded it to my development team and will revert back in a day or two.

    • #15783

      It does remember the last settings. Can you send me your sqlyog.ini found in the installation directory of SQLyog?

      If you are still having the error then steps to reproduce the error will be very helpful.

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