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Difference In Options Between Sql Dump Functions

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Difference In Options Between Sql Dump Functions

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    • #12151


      I noticed that the dialog for “Backup table as SQL dump” has more options than the icon for “Export as…” that can be used to create a sql dump for a custom query. Perhaps you could make it possible to also include those options in the “export as” dialog when the user chooses SQL as the output format. Or otherwise allow using custom queries for the “Backup table as SQL dump” dialog.


    • #31510

      We deliberately did as we did with 'export as sql'.  This was never intended for backing up tables (if you try you get a warning), but to export a result set.  Result sets may come from different tables using different engines etc.

      We use the client API export_set function (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-functions.html#function_export-set) to get the information (that means the data structure – as held by the client – of the result set alone to compose the table definition. (and BTW: I have an open bug report about same here: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=58028)

      What are the specific options  you feel are missing?

    • #31511

      I´m not really missing anything, but thought that the options should be consistent. In case this was done on purpose, I´m fine with it =)

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