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Create Table, A Way To Guess The Name Of New Tables

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Create Table, A Way To Guess The Name Of New Tables

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    • #10603

      How does this sound for a way to automatically guess the name for tables being created in SQLYog? I'm talking about the table name that is populated in the popup dialog when you click 'Create Table…', where it says 'Enter new table name'.

      If a user creates a table with a single-field primary key and that field name ends in the letters 'ID' (any mix of upper/lower case), extract the rest of the field name prior to those letters and use that to populate the dialog box.


      userid -> user

      trackingid -> tracking

      logingid -> lodging

      The likelihood that the table name will be the same (or the same, with an 's' appended) is very high.

    • #25194

      I added your request here:


      did I get every detail correct?

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