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Could Not Copy Data To Clipboard

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    • #10110

      Hey here,

      maybe it's “just” some OS-specific limitation but it looks'a'feels like an annoying bug:

      when I copy result set to clipboard, here and there SQLyog tells me “Could not copy data to clipboard” and “8:Für diesen Befehl ist nicht genügend Speicher verfügbar” (translated from German: “there is not enough memory to perform this operation”).

      Right now I am not able to put 6,226 selected IDs (integers) into the clipboard!

      One minute before I was able to copy 8,116 IDs to clipboard, now it refuses t do it again.

      It always happens when I repeatedly try to copy to clipboard something. Once it works with much bigger result sets (10,000+ strings), after them it fails with much smaller results (like now).

      I think that only restart of SQLyog helpy. I tried to close/reopen connections and result sets – no way…

      Hope it can be fixed!


    • #23161

      P.S. when someone asks why I need it:

      we still have some MySQL 3.x and 4.0 servers and they do not support subselects, so sometimes I need to select IDs by some special query, then copy them to clipboard (seperated by commas) and then make eg. DELETE FROM table WHERE id IN ();

    • #23162


      undoubtedly a OS issue.  

      I tried to research into Windows clipboard/memory management.  Did not find much, but did find this discussion:


      quote: “The clipboard size ~ free memory size (actually, the clipboard doesn't have a “size”).”

      What is the memory situation of your system before/after copying to the clipboard?

      This utility 


      gives information about clipboard memory

      and more utilities here …


      Could you save to a file?  Could be on some big and fast removable media …

      Or does it make any difference to increase the virtual memory (Control Panel .. System .. advanced ….)

      anything usable?

    • #23163

      BTW: I do not understand this:

      we still have some MySQL 3.x and 4.0 servers and they do not support subselects,

      SUBQUERIES ( = “SELECT … WHERE some_column = (SELECT … );” ) were introduced in 4.1

      but SUBSELECTS (= “SELECT … WHERE some_column IN (SELECT ….)” ) were always functional I think.

      “IN” is just a simple and common SET operator in this context

      … just like this in PPPL:


      IF orange IN fruits THEN eat_it() ELSE go_nuts()  /*   🙄   */


    • #23164

      PPPL =  Peters Personal Programming Language 😆

    • #23165

      This has happened to me also on occasion, maybe once a month or two so its not too big of a deal. Rebooting the computer always fixes it.

    • #23166
      ronjeremy_69 wrote on Dec 29 2006, 06:41 PM:
      This has happened to me also on occasion, maybe once a month or two so its not too big of a deal. Rebooting the computer always fixes it.

      I have just to restart SQLyog and not the whole computer, so it is somehow SQLyog-related.

      Next time I will try to copy/paste using some other program when it happens to see if only SQLyog is affected or everything.

    • #23167

      HAPPY NEW YEAR, by the way…

    • #23168

      happy new year to you too.

      BTW: did you ever try/test the Excel export of SQLyog 5.22?

      You were the one the 'pushed' for this mostly …

      We may consider disabling support for German Excel-localisations if you did not … <_< I will 'revive' the clipboard discussion, and see if we can find something.

    • #23169

      Thanks, Peter!

      re data export to Excel: I've already posted before that we currently still have Office/Excel 2000 which doesn't support XML.

      That's really a shame, sorry!

      I had a chance to test it and it worked but we still can't start to use it productively.

      We hope to get Office/Excel 2003 in few weeks, though.

      Anyway, thank you all for this feature – it's really important to us!

    • #23170

      You did not get this point then?


      just install and Excel2000/2002 should read the file.

    • #23171

      oh… thanks a lot! I was not aware of it!

      This thing wasn't here back in October when I've tried to find something: “Date Published: 11/6/2006”

    • #23172

      status: we have now actually been able to 'copy to clipboard' successfully and then doing the same thing once more raises an issue with available memory.

      I still am not sure that we can do anything about it. But let us research a little more!

    • #23173

      It is now fixed in the development tree.

      We plan to release 5.23 beta1 by beginning/mid next week with the fix for this.

      Actually we did delete the old clipboard content from memory, but doing this and allocating the buffer for the new content was done in the wrong order.

    • #23174
      peterlaursen wrote on Jan 10 2007, 11:59 AM:
      It is now fixed in the development tree.

      We plan to release 5.23 beta1 by beginning/mid next week with the fix for this.

      Actually we did delete the old clipboard content from memory, but doing this and allocating the buffer for the new content was done in the wrong order.

      This is still a problem in community version 6. I can get to happen every time with many different queries, on many different computers. It is not a problem with the clipboard, because the same resultsets copy just fine from toad.

      I can't seem to nail down the limit. The number of rows possible change with one query to the next, although it seems to hover around 10,000. And the total bytes copied seems to also vary from one query to the next. And sometimes the amount I can copy from a specific result set is consistent. and sometimes it varies.

      Here is a script to create a table to test the problem.

      drop table if exists clipboard;

      create table clipboard (

      field1 int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,

      field2 varchar(255) not null default '',

      primary key (field1)

      ) engine=MyIsam default charset=utf8;

      DELIMITER $$

      DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test_clipboard`$$

      CREATE PROCEDURE `test_clipboard`()


      declare cnt int default 0;

      while cnt < 20000 do insert into clipboard (field2) values ('Here is some text for the field'); set cnt = cnt + 1; end while; END$$ DELIMITER ; call test_clipboard(); select * from clipboard limit 12000;

    • #23175
      boydell wrote on Jun 4 2007, 04:28 AM:
      This is still a problem in community version 6. I can get to happen every time with many different queries, on many different computers. It is not a problem with the clipboard, because the same resultsets copy just fine from toad.

      Bump. Still a problem with community v6.07 on every computer I have installed it on, in both win xp and linux through wine.

    • #23176


      please explain the problem in detail in a reproducable way!

      Also provide a screenshot of your export dialogue settings.

      Can you procide an example dump that we can import and reproduce with?

    • #23177

      Copy/paste in Query not working.

      I have recently upgraded to SQLyog Enterprise v10.5 and Windows 8 Pro x64. In this environment I cannot copy/paste within Query.

      Appreciate any help.

    • #23178


      We are unable to reproduce this at our end. However, in the past we had one user with the same issue and it was related to Webroot SecureAnywhere AV.

      Could you create a support ticket by sending us an email to [email protected] so that we can investigate this issue further.



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