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Call Stored Proc Parameters

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Call Stored Proc Parameters

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    • #11616

      It would be nice to have a context menu action to generate the SQL call statement on stored procs.

      So, in addition to the Create Stored Proc, Alter Stored Proc, Drop Stored Proc, add Call this stored proc, and have it generate the call statement with templated parameters.

      Thanks much.

    • #29422

      Hi Ggenereux,

      Thank You for your interest in SQLyog.

      We will discuss about this feature request and let you know the status.



    • #29423

      When we released SQLyog 5.0 years back we discussed an 'execute' option in the context menu. However if the SP takes parameters how could we know what to pass as parameter? We will need to open another dialogue of some kind then. Please explain how you imagine this?

      Also some SP's may change data and in that case a SP should not be executed unless in the correct context. Making it too easy can be somewhat dangerous. We discussed something like 'execute in sandbox' but dropped the idea.

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