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"backup Database As Sql Dump" Bug

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests "backup Database As Sql Dump" Bug

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    • #11933

      Hello,I use SQLyog Community v8.3,this software is very good!

      but today i find a bug.

      my database has a table name of c_001_002_lp_learnPath , i use “backup database as SQL dump” ,

      finally i import to database , there is a error , MySQL say:”c_001_002_lp_learnPath” is not exists.

      finally i know.exported tablename is lowercase.below code:


      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `c_001_002_lp_learnPath`;

      CREATE TABLE `c_001_002_lp_learnpath` (
      `learnPath_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
      `comment` text NOT NULL,
      `lock` enum('OPEN','CLOSE') NOT NULL default 'OPEN',
      `visibility` enum('HIDE','SHOW') NOT NULL default 'SHOW',
      `rank` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`learnPath_id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `rank` (`rank`)
      ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312 COMMENT='List of learning Paths';

      /*Data for the table `c_001_002_lp_learnPath` */

      insert into `c_001_002_lp_learnPath`(`learnPath_id`,`name`,`comment`,`lock`,`visibility`,`rank`) values (1,'学习路径范例','这是一个学习路径范例,它使用示范练习、练习工具的示范文档和文档工具。如果你是该课程的主讲老师你可以点击修改栏中相应图标改变这个范例的内容。','OPEN','SHOW',1);

    • #30719


      Can you please furnish the following details for further analysis :

      1. On which platform you are running?

      2. Both the MySQL versions where you exported and imported?

      3. Also please attach the output of this query,

      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names';



    • #30720
      'navyashree.r' wrote on '05:


      Can you please furnish the following details for further analysis :

      1. On which platform you are running?

      2. Both the MySQL versions where you exported and imported?

      3. Also please attach the output of this query,

      SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names';



      hello,i think this is not a bug!

      now , i add “lower_case_table_names = 2” to my.cnf

      ok , export and import is very good.

      i work in win7 home basic,local MySQL server version is 5.0.67-community.

      my server MySQL version is 5.0.41-community linux .

      Thanks again for your answer . SQLyog is very good.

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