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Autocomplete And Views

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    • #9680

      I experience that TOOLTIPS do not work with VIEWS. TAB and CTRL+SPACE do

      … and it does not help to 'rebuild tags'

    • #21605

      Both tables and views are shown in the tooltip. Did you select the corresponding db in the Object Browser?

      It only shows objects from the current DB in tooltip.

    • #21606

      Can you give me more info on what are you doing?

    • #21607

      see attached. No tooltip here. Pressing TAB find 'albumtitel'.

      However in table mp3_filer I have a column 'Albumtitel', but same thing if I create a 'petertest' VIEW.

      VIEW definition:

      CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `albumtitel` AS select count(0) AS `##`,`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` AS `Albumtitel`,`mp3_filer`.`Genre` AS `Genre`,`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` AS `Kunstner` from `mp3_filer` where ((`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner` is not null) and (`mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel` is not null)) group by `mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel`,`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner`,`mp3_filer`.`Genre` order by `mp3_filer`.`Albumtitel`,`mp3_filer`.`Kunstner`,`mp3_filer`.`Genre`

    • #21608

      Can you tell me whether you created the VIEW from the editor and then tried to get it in Tooltip? Can you try Powertools -> Rebuild Tag once and then try again.

      We are getting all views/tables in autocomplete out here.

    • #21609

      This is a preety old database. I think it was originally created with the first MySQL 5.x I had installed and VIEWs were created with YOG 4.07 or 4.1 of the time I think.

      Now they ARE in the TAG-file as autocomplete TAB and CTL+SPACE finds it. But no tooltip!

      On request I just rebuilt TAGs (for 27th time 🙂 ). Same thing.

      MySQL is 5.0.21. I try copying to 5.1.9. Wait for it.

      It is not the 'DEFINER' thing again that cheats the query done by 'TOOLTIP' functionality ??

    • #21610

      I did this.

      1) started 5.1.9 on port 3307 and copied 'musik' database on 5.0.21 to 'nymysik' database on 5.1.9. The 'automatic' 'rebuilt tag started after copy.

      2) After that views were not available from autocomplete. Neither TAB, CTRL+SPACE or TOOLTIP

      3) rebuilt TAGS manually

      4) Now TAB and CTRL+SPACE both find the views, but still no TOOLTIP.

      Same on MySQL 5.1.9 as on 5.0.21.

    • #21611


      I tried deleting TAGS folder. Connected to MySQL 5.0.21. After 'rebuild tags' from 'powertools' VIEWS are found by TAB and CTRL+SPACE. But not TOOLTIP.

    • #21612

      Now see attached.

      Note that in table 'mp3_filer' I have colums named identically to the VIEWS – except for the lettercase.

      Is that what destroys the autocomplete functionality here?



      Also if I write:

      “SELECT kunstner from mp3_filer” – there is no tooltip with subsets of 'kunstner' such as 'kunst' and 'kunstn'!

      but as soon as I write:

      “select Bitr” autocomplete tooltip displays 'Bitrate'

      2) After adding the VIEW 'testview' defined like

      CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `testview` AS (select _latin1'test' AS `test`)

      'testview is not available with autocomplete at all. Not after 'rebuild tags' either.

      This 'ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER' was added by MySQL – I did not write that.

      Also 'select_latin1' was added by MySQL. BTW: don't we miss a SPACE character here?

      A complete (structure-only) export of the database attached. You have the data to fill in if you need!

    • #21613

      Similar thing here:


      Actually the server accepts DEFINER in 'create view' but not in 'create procedure'.

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