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Allow Searching Of Schema To Find Which View/funcs/procs Call Other On

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Allow Searching Of Schema To Find Which View/funcs/procs Call Other On

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    • #13581

      It would be great if I could select a view / function / procedure and have two extra choices in the right click context pop up window.


      1) Show all the views / functions / procedures that use the selected one


      2) Show all the views / functions / procedures that the selected one uses


      (Maybe extend that to show me all the tables used by the selected item as well.)


      The output could go to the info tab perhaps.


      Currently I have to do this by dumping the database as sql and using a text editor to search the sql for matches on the name.


      If anyone uses Delphi then you know what I mean as that has this feature to search for references to a procedure or function.



    • #35820
      Sibin A S



      Can you please elaborate that if you are referring to the Object browser where this feature request needs to be implemented?




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