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Autocomplete Broken In 9.32 For Aliased Tables

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Autocomplete Broken In 9.32 For Aliased Tables

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    • #12497
      Kevin Sikes

      In the following query, if I place the cursor after the SELECT statement and type b. or s. I get a dropdown with columns for the table after typing the dot if I'm using 9.30. However, with 9.32, no dropdown appears:

      FROM backorder b INNER JOIN sale s ON b.`SaleID` = s.`SaleID`
    • #32829

      Issue confirmed and fixed. It will be available in the next public release. Thanks for reporting this to us.

    • #32830

      Next release may take some weeks to be ready for public release. Is this OK? If not we can build with the fix and give to you here, but we want to save the time going through a complete standard release cycle.

    • #32831
      Kevin Sikes

      Hi Peter,

      I appreciate that your team has found and fixed this issue so quickly, and I also appreciate your willingness to provide a one-off build. However, it's not necessary — I have reverted to 9.30 for the time being. Take your time with the new release.

      By the way, will autocomplete ever suggest JOIN predicates? For instance, in the sample code I provided, after typing ON will SQLyog ever suggest b.`SaleID` = s.`SaleID` ? That would be very useful. Thanks!

    • #32832

      Your idea about “JOIN predicates”. How should a client be able to do this? How should it know what the user wants to JOIN together? You could say that it could propose JOINs based on what Foreign Keys are defined. That could make sense. But that is not how our Autocompelte works. Autocomplete has no 'SQL awareness' at all. It is just 'string pattern matching' against a database basically (with some additionally logic identifying in some cases if the current token should be a database, a table, a function parameter, a keyword or whatever).

    • #32833
      Kevin Sikes

      Yes, autocomplete would need to be aware of the relationships between tables to suggest JOIN predicates. I hope you will consider adding this ability; other tools provide it (including a popular free tool for MySQL), but I would rather use SQLyog and not switch between tools. Thanks!

    • #32834

      We have released version 9.33 with the fix for this. Please refer:


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