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Backup Db As Sql Dump

forums forums SQLyog SQLyog: Bugs / Feature Requests Backup Db As Sql Dump

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    • #10101

      I have a database which contains tables with more than 10000 rows. I've created sql backup dump via SQLYog 5.22 rc1. Then I tried to restore my db from sql dump. Opps, mysql 5.26 breaks connection severeral times when sql script was executed, so I cound't restore my dabase. After this occured, I have manual edit sql-dump generated by SQLYog and I've devided extremly long sql insert operators on several short. SQL yog has generated 2 insert operators for the table, which contains more than 10000 rows!? After all, sql script successfully executed and I had restored my database. Why SQLYog generates long sql-inserts? Look at sql-script, generated by MySQL Administrator? It contains 3 rows on every insert. So MySQL doesn't “away” on db-restoring time. May you to provide an option, that means max-legnth of insert operators (in rows) in sql dump export dialog?

    • #23135

      “SQL yog has generated 2 insert operators for the table, which contains more than 10000 rows!?”

      The BULK size is configurable.  Please understand and use the settings of the program!


    • #23136

      Thank you, I read it.

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