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    'peterlaursen' wrote on '07:

    We need clarification here!

    1) It is true that an index defined on any BLOB/TEXT types requires a length specification

    2) Also an index defined on 'long varchars' do as max index length in MySQL is 767-1000 bytes dependent on storage engine

    But we do not understand how the problem described as “For example if field “last” is varchar(25) and is indexd with no length specified, then suggesting to change it to tinytext” can occur. Β We have never seen (and we tried quite a lot now) that a varchar was proposed changed to BLOB/TEXT. Β Also this optimizer function will always propose shorter and never longer datatypes for varchars. Β 

    So please detail with one or more example what exactly you have experienced.

    My apologies peter. The original field length of “last” was 150, NOT 25.

    lastvarchar(150) NULL

    It then recommended to have it changed to TINYTEXT.


    Let me know if that clears it up, so it can be reproduced.

    in reply to: Recent Queries #30111
    'peterlaursen' wrote on '08:

    This request is same as here I think: http://code.google.com/p/sqlyog/issues/detail?id=1032

    Please confirm!

    Yes, same request.

    in reply to: Recent Queries #30109
    'nithin' wrote on '08:

    Are you asking to retain the quires entered in editor when you open SQLyog next time?

    Yes. I am not sure how it would function exactly, but perhaps some type of “history” tab that lists previous queries entered.

    in reply to: Creating New Query Tab #29014
    Rohit wrote on May 31 2009, 11:58 PM:
    It is a very valid request. Personally, I also like Firefox's behavior for opening tabs. I can't promise this soon, but we will try this post 8.1 GA.

    Thanks for the reply, glad to hear it. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: #28719
    peterlaursen wrote on Mar 27 2009, 02:42 PM:
    You backup the sqlyog.ini file. All settings and connections are stored in this file.

    The file is in user's 'AppData' folder:

    Windows 2k/XP/2003: documents and settingsuserapplication datasqlyogsqlyog.ini

    Windows Vista/2008/7: usersuserAppdataSQLyogsqlyog.ini

    note that 'AppData' folder may be hidden (if you have not selected to unhide hidden folders from Control Panel .. Folder options). Also some folders listed here may have localised names on non-English systems.

    Actually, for me it was located in a slightly different folder for Vista:


    in reply to: #28401
    HandOfCode wrote on Feb 12 2009, 02:22 AM:
    I can live with a splash screen, and STATIC in app adds, but now you have a dynamically changing bar near the top? I won't pay $99 dollars _just_ to get rid of that bar, however it's VERY annoying _because_ it changes. Every time it changes my eye is drawn to it because I think something has happened that I need to check out. It does diddly to convince me to buy enterprise as I do not need the features offered in enterprise, all it does it annoy me and make me less inclined to recommend it to friends and colleagues who might actually buy the enterprise version.

    It's a great app so why the annoying constant distraction? it's in leagues with those smiley face adds, all it's missing is the sound.

    Not to sound like a SQLyog fanboy or anything, but Enterprise is worth the money. I bought the license during their Christmas sale, and have been pleasantly surprised at how good the app is

    The bottom line is that the Query Profiling feature is worth the 99 dollars alone.

    in reply to: #28085
    peterlaursen wrote on Dec 19 2008, 04:49 PM:
    From program menu .. tools .. preferences .. general tab .. check 'enable word wrap in SQL editor and BLOB viewer'

    Was that it?

    Yes that did the trick peter. Missed it in the preferences Thank you! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: #27954

    Thanks for the replies guys. I just purchased it a little while ago πŸ™‚

    in reply to: #27452
    nithin wrote on Sep 30 2008, 09:13 AM:

    This issue has been fixed and released SQLyog7.11 yesterday.


    Please make sure the issue you found is fixed here.

    Issue is fixed. Thanks for notifying me. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: #27450
    navyashree.r wrote on Sep 29 2008, 02:48 AM:

    We have similar issue listed in our tracker. So, can you please confirm this when we load table from left hand side pane (object browser) on to table data, the tables in object browser and also table data tab grays out and flickers? This happened when we added 'STOP OPTION' in table data. We will fix this with priority.



    Yes, that is exactly what I am referring to. I wasn't sure how to describe it. πŸ™‚

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