Forum Replies Created
MemberJust following up. 😀
“Is it ready yet?”
How long to go so I can plan…
MemberAny Update?
LOL I have a project eager to finish and its the last component 😀
How's the project going along?
MemberAny updates yet? 😀
MemberWhere can we download the latest version? 😀
MemberFor TAR and FTPSYNC.
Sorry I meant that i have PHP excecuting those programs.
CODEexec('tar -xvzf file.tar.gz')exec('ftpsync db.cnf')
and they both work fine and not php errors or permissions problems.
MemberFollow Up
CODEsja database_sync.xml -lsja.log 2>&1RESPONSE:
QUOTESQLyog Job Agent Version 4.1 Copyright © Webyog Softworks Pvt. Ltd.. All Rights Reserved.Error opening session ERROR log file.
Everything is 777.
Membergot that all checked out..
I'm actually executing TAR and FTPSYNC programs from the same directory and it works just fine… But it doesn't work with PHP.
I wonder if there's any other tests i can do.
Thanks Peter!!!
I really really appreciate the tests you have made.
Yep it was me who visited 😀
I'm so eager to have this working. Its the one piece of the puzzle that I am missing before the bulk of my application is complete and I can start working on other areas like user interface design.
Thanks Again!
MemberThis is somewhat similar to what I actually have when the PHP Constants have been converted to actual strings.
CODEsja /home/httpd/vhosts/ -l/home/httpd/vhosts/ for
are 777
I have no idea what else to do… I'm just happy some SJA works with PHP unlike Unison (file sync)
Thing is that this works on the command line no problem but when PHP tries to do it then it starts giving me error log errors.
BTW. Its on a Linux machine too
Exact Error Message
QUOTESQLyog Job Agent Version 4.1 Copyright © Webyog Softworks Pvt. Ltd.. All Rights Reserved. Error opening session ERROR log file.wiL
MemberI used this version to output the error.
exec('sja '.DOMAIN_CONFIGURATIONS_PATH.'database_sync.xml -l'.DOMAIN_CONFIGURATIONS_PATH.'sja.log');
and i still get the same problem.
Member“Error opening session ERROR log file. ” is the error I get when use PHP to exec('sja') the SJA file.
Can we omit the Error log file or just make it work in PHP? What seesion does it need to open? I made sure that the permission are all 777 and it still doesn't work.
I've double and tirple check the path and still no luck.
MemberI'm getting the same error with:
SQLyog Job Agent Version 4.1
Where can I download a different version of this?