Forum Replies Created
April 18, 2007 at 8:55 am in reply to: Problem In Retrieving Index Information Fron Sybase To Mysql Using Sql #23765
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Apr 17 2007, 07:08 PM:1)The Migration tool is a Migration Tool – not a synchronisation tool. With the use of triggers and where-conditions it can be used for synchronisation. It is all explained in the doucmentation.
We do not offer 'on the spot' support as you suggest. Both our sales and support concepts are 100% based on the Internet.
Please read my first two posts pertaing to this topic dated 11th apr and 13th apr and tell me whether the extraction of maetadata or the generation of the DDL statements are done by ODBC driver for sybase which i am using or by the migration toolkit software. identify the problem area.
please reply soon
April 16, 2007 at 7:34 am in reply to: Problem In Retrieving Index Information Fron Sybase To Mysql Using Sql #23763sridevi
Memberpeterlaursen wrote on Apr 13 2007, 05:29 PM:We have no opton to test with that specific version and not on Solaris either.Could you arrange remote acces to some (silly) database?
First,Tell me is sqlyog capable of replication of data from sybase to mysql. By replication i mean what ever updates occur at sybase have to be executed at mysql . All unchanged data need not be written again and again. If so which versions of sybase and mysql are supported.
second, Could u please visit our organisation which is in Hydrabad to analyse the problem.
reply soon
April 13, 2007 at 10:27 am in reply to: Problem In Retrieving Index Information Fron Sybase To Mysql Using Sql #23761sridevi
i tried on the internet and got two types of drivers one with ase15 and the other one is pcclient 1252 from sybase sites
1. I installed Adaptive Server Enterprise 15 by custom install and also the Adaptive Server Enterprise odbc driver. I created a datasource called system121 and tested the connection. which gave the message “connection succeeded”. but when i used the driver in the migration tool then no tables from sybase database were listed.
2. I had also downloaded pcclient1252 from the net. the sybase driver that comes with it is Sybase Ase odbc driver . with this driver the tables from the source sybase database are listed. but I am able to import the tables without any primary key or indexes.
did u try retrivig data from sybase on a workststion to mysql on a pc as i mentioned earlier to get the data? Also my source database is ase 12. the drivers i use either ase 12.5 .2 or ase 15 . does this create any problem
more over
as u see the error
Sql:CREATE TABLE `ccotrial`.`names`( `ssn` varchar(9) NOT NULL , `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `ssn` ) , UNIQUE KEY `names_pk` (`ssn` ASC ,“ DESC ) )Type=InnoDB
is there with the third party driver as well as the sybase odbc drivers that come with sybase products.
so please analyse the problem with ur seniors.
I am sending u the listing of the table schema as well as data as an attachment
Could it be because my source database is sybase 12 and the ase driver is fron sybase ase 15?
MemberHI Adarsh,
Let me explain the requirement to u.
I have an old application running in a SUN SPARC workstation with Sybase ASE 12 as the DATABASE and Solaris 2. 7 as the OS. The new project is supposed to develop an application running on windows 2k with MYSQL 5 as the database. The application has to replicate data from sybase to mysql. For That i was running sqlyog on the windows pc with mysql and using datadirect drivers to access the sybase database on the workststion with ip with this tables without any primary keys or constraints i was able to access. I had problems in accessing the tables with primary keys. please refer to the attachment in my fprevious message. then i installed ase 15 on the pc so that i can use the ase driver that comes along with it to access the ase12 sybase database on the workstation through the ethernet lan as suggested by u. u said that the problem is due to datadirect drivers. so u see there is no requirement to install ase 15 on another system.
did u try with this kind of setup ?
please suggest a solution as early as possible.
I would like to tell u that I tried using deatadirect drivers with the CRecordset classes and i wall able access all the tables with primary keys and without primary keys.
MemberHi adarsh,
I installed only one version of ASE. and as u said the four servers were installed
But installation of ase was required on my part on the pc was esential for getting the ASE ODBC driver as the datadirect driver was giving the problem mentioned in initial post.
The source database on sybase with ASE 12 is on a sun workstation with ip address so using this ASE driver from ase 15 on the pc I was assessing the sybase databse.
datasource name = system121
server =
port =5555
login = dbh
database = ncdb
The login successful message also popped up.
But in the migration tool when i chose copy tables from datasource(sybase datasource) no tables from sybase 12( on sun workstation) were selected.
then I tried the other option i.e copy data by using a query. In this case, the query on the sybase table emp2 was successful but for the result table in the Map tab did not hav any primary key by default. but I made the columb 'ssn' as the primary key and the data was transferred successfuly BUT WITHOUT ANY PRIMARY KEYS.
so as u see it is quite puzzling .
please help me out.
adarsh wrote on Apr 5 2007, 03:52 PM:Hi,Tell me are you installed more than one version of ASE?
When we install a ASE it will create a four types of servers 1) Sybaes BCKServer 2) SybaseMONServer 3)Sybase SQLServer 4) Sybase XP Server
by default it will take your system name as server name and it will create the server names like this. you need to use the SQL server name in Server Name field in create DSN window.
1) ADARSH_BS for Backup Server
2) ADARSH_MS for MOnitoring Server
3) ADARSH for SQL Server
4) ADARSH_XP for XP Server
If you install the ASE server of another version then it will create name like this ADARSH_BS1,ADARSH_MS1,ADARSH1,ADARSH_XP1 so if you installed more than one verion of server please specify server name.
I tried to create a DSN without specifying the server name i am getting error.
Please verify the server name in which you created that database and also please verify the login id you used to create that database and table and also please specify the port of that correct server in which you have created the database and table.
You need to use that Server Name and Logon Id and correct port.
Memberhi adarsh,
Yes, AFter installing ASE 15 , i found a driver like Adaotive enterprise server and I entered the syabse work station 1p, port no, log in id and the database name . i did not mention the server name. i think it doesnot ask for server name. also i gort a mesage that log in succesful.
is this problem because of the difference in versions.?
MemberDear Adarsh,
1. I installed Adaptive Server Enterprise 15 by custom install and also the Adaptive Server Enterprise odbc driver. I created a datasource called system121 and tested the connection. which gave the message “connection succeeded”. but when i used the driver in the migration tool then no tables from sybase database were listed.
2. I had also downloaded pcclient1252 from the net. the sybase driver tat comes with it is Sybase Ase odbc driver . with this driver the tables from the source sybase databse are listed. but I am able to import the tables without any primary key or indexes. I am sending u the listing of the table schema as well as data as an attachment
Could it be because my source database is sybase 12 and the ase driver is fron sybase ase 15?
Memberthank you.
I will try
adarsh wrote on Mar 30 2007, 03:47 PM:From here you can download Sybase (Adaptive Server 15.0) for windows, while installing select custom install and choose ODBC driver from components.This will install a driver called “Adaptive Server Enterprise” with this ODBC driver you should able connect and it will wiok perfectly please try this.
Memberactually my requirement is that I have an application with sybase 12.0 as the database on solaris 2.7 running on sun sparc workstation.
my new application is on windows with mysql and needs to replicate the sybase databse. so I need sybase drivers on the pc with wondows 2000 as the os. so i think i cannot install ase on pc nor the drivers. hence could you suggest me some other drivers. Are ase odbc drivers for windows available.
MemberDear Adarsh,
Do you mean Adaptive Server Enterprise ODBC Driver by Sybase?
Where can I down load the Adaptive Server driver. We had been using Data Direct's driver.
MemberDear Adarsh,
Actually I was trying to import data from sybase adaptive server 12.0 to Mysql 5. and I was using DATA DIRECT 'S SYBASE WIRE PROTOCOL DRIVERS which is freely available on net for evaluation as the odbc driver for sybase. I need to see if the odbc drivers for sybase are available with sybase adaptive server 12.0 or not.
the data of the two tables of sybase whose data i could not import is already mentioned in my first post. the data is not properly aligned. this is the output the isql editor generates.
is that suffficient or u r looking for some more information.
with regards
MemberDear Adarsh,
Actually I was trying to import data from sybase adaptive server 12.0 to Mysql 5. and I was using DATA DIRECT 'S SYBASE WIRE PROTOCOL DRIVERS which is freely available on net for evaluation as the odbc driver for sybase. I need to see if the odbc drivers for sybase are available with sybase adaptive server 12.0 or not.
the data of the two tables of sybase whose data i could not import is already mentioned in my first post. the data is not properly aligned. this is the output the isql editor generates.
is that suffficient or u r looking for some more information.
with regards
Membersomebody please solve this problem.
its urgent.
Member' wrote on 'Mar:This was the correct place to post. so I'll delete th other post.
It is most practical to discuss only in one place.
We had quite a lot of new hardware recently and reisntalled most computers.
We therefore do not have our old Sybase install functional at the moment.
I'll have to ask you to have a little patience while we are setting it up again.
Dear Mr peterlaursen,
thank u
any help is appriciated