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MemberThanks for that tip – just got MySql administrator too (don't know why I struggled without it!), and the book mysql pro…
MemberThanks for the fast response!
I would just like to add for the sake of anyone following this thread that if I edit the procedure, I again get the access denied error. So after each edit, I have to grant execute… again to be able to run it.
MemberSolved the access to the stored procedure, but couldn't do it through SQLyog.
Had to go into the command line and do this:
grant execute on procedure starfriend.selectByProximity to 'pir8ped'@'%';
That gave me permission.
By the way, the mysql docs say that I should write:
grant execute on starfriend.selectByProximity to 'pir8ped'@'%';
but this gives an 1144 error:
ERROR 1144 (42000): Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to s
ee which privileges can be used
MemberHopefully, this is my last question on this topic!
java.sql.SQLException: execute command denied to user 'pir8ped'@'%' for routine 'starfriend.selectByProximity'
I have set up user pir8ped to have all priviledges, and all my java/db tests work, except the one calling the stored procedure.
Why is the command denied.?Is there another permission to set, different to the tables priviledges? I have looked through the docs…
PS – I tried:
CREATE PROCEDURE `selectByProximity`(IN latitude float, IN longitude float, IN searchDistance float, IN earthRadius float)
and also replacing 'DEFINER' with 'INVOKER' – no difference, still denied…
MemberExcellent – thanks very much for the help. I pared down the sql bit by bit till there was hardly any of it left – and then it became obvious that I was simply missing a ; at the end of the select statement.
I now have the SP stored, and ready to play with tomorrow.
Thanks again – it has been a profitable day after all.
John 🙂
MemberI figured the original might be helpful
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_FindNearby
@latitude float,
@longitude float,
@searchDistance float,
@earthRadius float
declare @CntXAxis float
declare @CntYAxis float
declare @CntZAxis float
set @CntXAxis = cos(radians(@latitude)) * cos(radians(@longitude))
set @CntYAxis = cos(radians(@latitude)) * sin(radians(@longitude))
set @CntZAxis = sin(radians(@latitude))
select *, proxDistance = @earthRadius * acos( XAxis*@CntXAxis +
YAxis*@CntYAxis + ZAxis*@CntZAxis)
from location
where @earthRadius * acos( XAxis*@CntXAxis + YAxis*@CntYAxis +
ZAxis*@CntZAxis) <= @searchDistance order by proxDistance ASC GO XAxis, YAxis, and ZAxis are fields in the table location. In this SQL server code, the variables begin with @. I guess I am referring to the fields XAxis, YAxis, and ZAxis incorrectly.
Member(posted this once, but no sign of it on the forum – apologies if it appears twice).
So, you have to execute the SP code – thanks!
Done that, and I get an unhelpful syntax error message. Would you mind taking a look at it? It is a little complicated for a first SP, but I have tried to translate an SP written for SQL server:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `starfriend`.`selectByProximity`$$
CREATE PROCEDURE `starfriend`.`selectByProximity` (IN latitude float, IN longitude float, IN searchDistance float, IN earthRadius float)
COMMENT 'search For Users by distance'
declare CntXAxis float default 0;
declare CntYAxis float default 0;
declare CntZAxis float default 0;
set CntXAxis = cos(radians(latitude)) * cos(radians(longitude));
set CntYAxis = cos(radians(latitude)) * sin(radians(longitude));
set CntZAxis = sin(radians(latitude));
select userName, town, earthRadius * acos( XAxis*CntXAxis + YAxis*CntYAxis + ZAxis*CntZAxis) as proxDistance
from location, person
where earthRadius * acos( XAxis*CntXAxis + YAxis*CntYAxis +
ZAxis*CntZAxis) <= searchDistance and person.placeLivingID = location.locationID order by proxDistance ASC END$$ DELIMITER ;$$ and the 2 tables involved: CREATE TABLE `person` ( `userName` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `password` varchar(20) default NULL, `isDating` tinyint(4) default NULL, `firstName` varchar(20) default NULL, `middleName` varchar(20) default NULL, `lastName` varchar(30) default NULL, `dateOfBirth` datetime default NULL, `emailAddress` varchar(60) default NULL, `sex` char(1) default NULL, `placeBornID` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `placeLivingID` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `astroID` int(10) unsigned default NULL, `search_distance` smallint(6) default '10', `search_sex` char(1) default NULL, `search_age_min` smallint(6) default '18', `search_age_max` smallint(6) default '100', `dateRegistered` date default NULL, `dateLastLoggedIn` datetime default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userName`), KEY `dateOfBirth` (`dateOfBirth`), KEY `placeLivingID` (`placeLivingID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 CREATE TABLE `location` ( `locationID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `town` varchar(60) default NULL, `county` varchar(40) default NULL, `state_country` varchar(40) default NULL, `latit` varchar(9) default NULL, `longit` varchar(9) default NULL, `latitDouble` double default NULL, `longitDouble` double default NULL, `timeZone` int(11) default NULL, `timeType` int(11) default NULL, `XAxis` float default NULL, `YAxis` float default NULL, `ZAxis` float default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`locationID`), KEY `county` (`county`), KEY `state_country` (`state_country`), KEY `latitDouble` (`latitDouble`), KEY `longitDouble` (`longitDouble`), FULLTEXT KEY `town` (`town`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select userName, town, earthRadius * acos( XAxis*CntXAxis + YAxis*CntYAxis + ZA' at line 12 Hope you might see the problem – it has been a long day, Thanks, John