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  • in reply to: BUG: SQL query #18508

    I have two comments:

    1) I can see from your screenshots that the SQLyog version is not the most recent. Which one? You should try 4.07.

    2) I also can see that the string-types are displayed by your SQLyog as BLOB. Now, SQLyog display does not distinguish between BLOB and TEXT types, so I guess that they are defined as TEXTs (??). But do you need so many characters as a TEXT can hold ? Won't a varchar(255) do ? And BTW char/varchars are more effective with MySQL than are TEXTs.

    You could easily make a copy of your database with SQLyog, use the ALTER TABLE function to convert TEXTs to VARCHARs an see if the problem persists. I may sound as a crazy idea, but it'll only take 5 minutes to try. And I think we are getting at the point where we need more information.

    You also should try DUMPing your DB and importing it. That should fix charset/collation related problems with the data! Are the data created with your current MySQL-version? The reason that Ritesh can't reproduce your problem could simply be because data have been DUMPed and imported!

    in reply to: Can't connect #18609

    excuse me if you think, that I'm confused. If you think so I probably am! 😀


    1) you can connect to your webhost using SSH. And everything works as it should as long as that connection is open with SQLyog only?

    2) you can connect to localhost and everything works fine as long as there is no SSH-tunnelled connection open.

    3) you also can connect to webhost using HTTP-tunnelling and to localhost and “dual connection functionality” with SQLyog works as it should ?

    4) but errors occur with “dual connection functionality” when SSH-tunnelling to webhost and at the same time connecting to localhost ?

    I got it right now ?

    Connection settings are stored in the sqlyog.ini file. Could it possibly be damaged/inconsistent in some way? I propose you try make a fresh install (to another directory to get a fresh sqlyog.ini file) and recreate connections with connections manager and see if the problem persists?

    And one last question: Is your localhost part of a domain-type LAN ?

    in reply to: Can't connect #18608

    I have tested with various MySQL versions and SQLyog 4.07 and latest 4.1 BETA and most all possible combinations of tunnelling options.

    The only error I can reproduce (and that I can!) is that the STRUCT SYNC TOOL is not able to correctly “parse” a MySQL ver. 5 database having VIEWs defined with it. No problems with that DB and any other SQLyog functionality. No prob's on MySQL ver. 5 either with STRUCT SYNC TOOL when there are no VIEWS in DB!

    I think that your problem could be a mismatch of various issues …

    I run into the Error 1045 when I have connected initially to a remote database and then connect to the localhost on my PC second.

    You are sure you have tunnelling unchecked with the connection to localhost (guess you don't tunnel here, though that can be done too!)? Do you use the connection manager ?

    in reply to: Can't connect #18607

    I think I understand better now! I believe I get some crazy results with Structure Sync tool as well (on MySQL 5.0.9 with VIEWS defined in some DB's) with SQLyog 4.07 and 4.1. I'll switch to MySQL 4.0.25 and try again ?!

    What are your MySQL-versions ?

    in reply to: Can't connect #18606

    And BTW: the SSH-user you should use for connection IS NOT a MySQL-user but an OS-user registered with the SSH-server.

    Also remember to use different local ports on your local machine for each individal SSH-connection.

    My apology if that is trivial to you! 😉

    in reply to: Can't connect #18605
    BTW: this all occurred for SSH Tunneling connections. It works fine for HTTP Tunneling via the remote webservice php file.

    I am no expert in SSH (only installed my own SSH-server yesterday) but I guess that the SSH-user is configured as a “domain user” and not a “local user” with the SSH server.

    Since you are allowed to be ROOT I guess that it is your own server and not the server at an ISP ?! You could explain a little more about this ?

    How are ROOT privileges configured with MySQL ? Access from localhost only ?

    in reply to: Error Oh Error #18639

    CREATE TABLE `avps` (

    `arg` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',

    `value_s` text NOT NULL,

    `value_i` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

    `value_u` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

    PRIMARY KEY  (`arg`)

    ) TYPE=MyISAM;|

    How did the | – character get in there ? (there are a lot of them).

    What are the errors that you get ?

    in reply to: Problems #18638


    in reply to: Problems #18636

    Would you mind trying SQLyog 4.07 ? It is compiled with more recent API from MySQL.

    Just install to another directory, and nothing will be overwritten!

    in reply to: Problems #18634

    You must provide more information! Nobody is able to help you without the relevant info!

    SQLyog version?

    MySQL version ?

    connection type (non-tunnelled, HTTP, SSH) ?

    Is it always the same server that you can't connect to ?

    Does it matter in which order you establish connections ?

    If you have upgraded MySQL did you run the script to update GRANT-tables ?

    You can read through this as well


    in reply to: Can't connect #18631

    this message:

    Can't connect to MySQL server on 'Localhost' (10061)

    is not a user/pw problem. It occurs even before that.

    I understand that you have installed MySQL on yor localhost. Are you sure that the MySQL server is running ? The err msg is the one you get when it is not!

    Is there a Mysql*****.exe proces to see in taskmanager ?

    Did you get the “MySQL Administrator” program from MySQl. It places an icon in system tray from where to manage MySQL.

    If you have a Firewall Aplication then try disabling it! AV should not affect connectivity.

    Is the SQLyog the free version or enterprise version? It your ISP has blocked the MySQL port you will need to use tunnelling to connect. Tunnelling is included with the Enterprise version only. And most likely the ISP won't let you manage users from no other application than their own Control Panel application

    Let's start here. All other issues with other software is not relevant at this point!

    I'm not sure if I should have already set up the database through MySQL before using SQLyog

    After initial install of MySQL you can connect as user “ROOT” with NO PASSWORD from LOCALHOST ONLY (standard port is 3306)!

    in reply to: 4.1 BETA 2 Scheduled ODBC Import Crash #18623


    OK then – probably you know better!

    But I really doubt whether this Database underlying your accounting application is not some “branded” standard software. Who would write a complete DB-engine for just one application ??

    I believe Ritesh will need the information of your software (where you got it from etc.).

    The supplier and producer of this software should be as interested as Ritesh to have any connectivity issues fixed!

    in reply to: 4.1 BETA 2 Scheduled ODBC Import Crash #18621
    I use an accounting software which uses his own database system but they sell an ODBC driver for it. Once installed, I “mounted” the db as a System DSN from

    It could very well be running over this database:



    The DATAFLEX (various versions) software is widely used for that sort of applcations!

    If it is, then it is quite funny. I did a lot of programming with in (1st generation of it) 20 years ago!

    in reply to: Very strange: Mouse pointer in SQL Yog #18629

    more Logitech problems here:


    .. just for your information!

    in reply to: BLOB… on any text columns #18613

    That is no bug. SQLyog is like that. What Navicat does I don't know.

    But you should update SQLyog to 4.07 or 4.1 beta.

    BLOB/TEXT colums now will show the beginning of the TEXT (as much as there is room for!)

    BLOB/TEXT type are for huge amounts of data. One single medumtext can be 16 MB for instance!

    And CHAR/VARCHAR are more effective with MySQL. The reason is that BLOB/TEXT values are not stored in the table itself – only a pointer is stored.

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