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it reads
Quote:Key column 'BT_ID' doesn't exist in tableand not
Quote:column 'BT_ID' doesn't exist in tableIs there any other columns selected having some sort of relationsship with column BT_ID ??
Sounds like it tries to create a FK with mySQL to a column that is not there!!
If there is another column selected using BT_ID for a FK did you uncheck “import FK” option behind the “advanced” button?
If that is it, I won't consider it a bug … though I have proposed that selection and unselection of FKs and indexes should be “more visible” ….
But the new things with ODBC import and SQLyog 4.1 are:
1) scheduling
2) import of “metadata” ( = “data about data” ie. FK's and indexes)
3) it is MUCH faster
peterlaursenParticipantQuote:all user on a server with Openssh have access to ssh if not special denied.i believe there are more implementations! I only have experience with SSH on windows using the one distributed with the MSI-installer from
The docs read:
1. Open a command prompt and change to the installation directory (Program FilesOpenSSH is the default).
2. CD into the bin directory.
3. Use mkgroup to create a group permissions file. For local groups, use the “-l” switch. For domain groups, use the “-d” switch.
For both domain and local, it is best to run the command twice (remember to use >>, not >). If you use both, make sure to edit the file to remove any duplicate entires.
mkgroup -l >> ..etcgroup (local groups)
mkgroup -d >> ..etcgroup (domain groups)
4. Use mkpasswd to add authorized users into the passwd file. For local users, use the “-l” switch. For domain users, use the “-d” switch.
For both domain and local, it is best to run the command twice (remember to use >>, not >). If you use both, make sure to edit the file to remove any duplicate entires.
mkpasswd -l [-u
] >> ..etcpasswd (local users) mkpasswd -d [-u
] >> ..etcpasswd (domain users) NOTE: To add users from a domain that is not the primary domain of the machine, add the domain name after the user name.
NOTE: Ommitting the username switch adds ALL users from the machine or domain, including service accounts and the Guest account.
what is the username that you are entering in SQLyog's tunnel-tab ?
It should be an user registered with the SSH-server and not a MySQL user.
(my apologies if that is trivial to you!)
I can get the same err msg if try to connect with a user that is not registered with SSH!
peterlaursenParticipantYou are sure that this is not a firewall issue ??
I also do believe that if you use a local port that has been occupied by another program (such as Putty) SQLyog will not detect this, as it would if it was a SQLyog instance that had occupied the port. You can try any local port that has not been used by another program.
peterlaursenParticipantactually you can have 4.1.13 from here
peterlaursenParticipantQuote:Apache 2.0.53, IIS 6.0at the same time ?? and maybe even php installed as a module with both of them ?
I might have asked about this before, but direct/tunnelled connection ??
But no error with command-line client ? really strange!
But if LOWERCASE/UPPERCASE keywords was a common issue with SQLyog it would have been reported many times before!
peterlaursenParticipantQuote:Any response on that 'no database selected' issue I run into?I can't reproduce this issue. Any more information that you can give is valuable. Does it happen when working with SQlyog or when working with something else and SQLyog is open in bacground? Is it happening all the time, or just periocically? If you have more hosts and connection-types available does it happen no matter what ?
Any information about how you use the program …
peterlaursenParticipantSo I think the most likely the “negotiation” of network protocol with some network gear of yours is slow with machines running recent Windows updates.
peterlaursenParticipantI understand this – and always did!
But when I'm “backlooping” the connection from my local to my ISP and back to local (with SP2) I think this situation equals some other users connecting.
If you want to test I can create an account for you here. I'll PM you connections details then.
peterlaursenParticipantOh my God …
Ritesh has awakened! 😀
peterlaursenParticipantQuote:#1) Tabbed SQL Windows with corresponding resultsetsI believe that a tabbed SQL-window would do (but that would be nice…) … You can easily get too many tabs in resultpane. Rumours say that you will see something in SQLyog 4.2 … but I'm not sure if all details have been decided on!
Quote:#2) Saved queries (bookmarks/favorites)You have the “personal folder”. Although it is rather rudimentary (it origines back from some of the very first SQLyog releases) isn't it what you request? Accessible form the “edit”-menu.
Quote:#3) Quick selects, say a result set comes up, have a field above each one where you could put in a value for that column, hit enter and it performs a SELECT matching against that field.I know that some GUI for generation of queries is on it's way. But first priority in my opinion should be final release of 4.1 and 4.2 (with support for MySQL ver. 5 features). But I'll give you a hint then: you might find something you can use in the OpenOffice-suite ver 2 (latest release here…oper/680_m118/). There is a “quick-filter” facility in the OO DB-frontend. You place the cursor in some cell and press the “quick-filter”-icon and it will “filter” current selection with the value in that cell. OpenOfice is a good supplemet to Sqlyog (better than MS-office as a MySQL frontend In my opinion – actually it also has full support for VIEWS when used with JDBC). It also lets you create formatted reports from a MySQL database and print them – something that I don't know if SQLyog ever will include.
peterlaursenParticipantHey … have a look at your own screen-dumps!
Even numerical colums sometimes display as BLOBs.
I believe your MySQL installation or at least the DB is SICK!
What does some other clients (command-line client, Query Browser) say?
SQLyog does not AT ALL change the query that you enter in the SQL pane. It simply is sent to the server without any change.
peterlaursenParticipantThis probably is not the reply that answers your question.
But I run MySQL on my local machine with WinXP SP2. And MySQL connections opens in less than ½ second no matter if I connect directly or if I “backloop” the connection forth and back to my ISP. And that is even with a dyndns lookup!
I think it might be a problem with the TCP-implementation with some of your network gear (router/switch) and WinXP/2003 SP2. Firmware update available? Chance to try another unit ?
peterlaursenParticipantQuote:I understand that the cell content may contain non-displayable characters. However, I do not think that this should be the case for the column names.I totally agree! And this is crazy. And much more since it is not reproducable! But my point just was that Win32 API's (at least in some cases) will display nonprintable characters as squares. Now, column headers are graphics and are built by Win32 APIs contained in system dll's. So that/those dll(s) must be sent nonprintable characters (or it must “think” that it is getting non-printable character)s. At least that is one possibility. But I still don't have any idea of how they get there!
Do you have a chance to try with some other computer having MySQL installed? I believe it is a problem with your system only! What is the OS-version? And has that OS-version been installed over a previous OS-version?
peterlaursenParticipantI believe you are wrong!
Quote:From MySQL 4.1.0 on, a VARCHAR column with a length specification greater than 255 is converted to the smallest TEXT type that can hold values of the given length.with MySQL 4.1.x varchars bigger than 255 characters ONLYare converted to text. With MySQL ver 5.x “true varchars” can hold approx. 55.000 characters.
The important difference between TEXT and CHAR/VARCHAR is that char/varchar data are stored in the table itself. TEXT values themselves are not stored in the table. Only a pointer is stored. That's why char/varchar is more efficient than TEXT.