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peterlaursenParticipantQuote:The MySql db is ver 5.23
Wow … MySQL 5.0 is in beta, a 5.1 prealpha can be expected very soon. But you already managed to have access to 5.23. Do you happen to know anybody special ?? 😀
Is it 3.23 ?? it is the oldest version still supported by MySQl and is quite common at ISP's, especially in the USA (in Europe everyone has upgraded to 4.0!)
peterlaursenParticipantyes then …
MySQL 3.23 and 4.0 behave one way and different than do 4.1 and 5.0 with the table alias. And that has effect on the function of select-dropdown-box in result-pane of SQLyog.
As you described it with MySQL 4.0.24
My first test was with 5.0.11
For the test i crated this simplified case:
Code:create database if not exists `test5`;/*Table structure for table `name9` */
drop table if exists `name9`;
CREATE TABLE `name9` (
 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `web_login` varchar(255) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM;/*Data for the table `name9` */
insert into `name9` values (1,'pl');
/*Table structure for table `user_information` */
drop table if exists `user_information`;
CREATE TABLE `user_information` (
 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `first_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
 `last_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
 `user_name` varchar(255) default NULL,
 `date_entered` varchar(255) default NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
) ENGINE=MyISAM;/*Data for the table `user_information` */
insert into `user_information` values (1,'peter','laursen','pl','');
peterlaursenParticipantI don't have any chance to test with anything older than 4.0.24
I know that Ritesh has, so let's ask him to do that tomorrow morning.
I'll do a test with 4.0 now …
But it could very well be the implementation of alias'es with diferent MySQL-versions that causes the difference in behaviour with you and me!
peterlaursenParticipantto find MySQL-version execute this query
select version();
peterlaursenParticipantI added some colums to my tables so that I could run a qurey exactly like yours.
I cannot reproduce anything that you describe. See attached.
Lets start with the trad. questions 😛
MySQL version ??
Table definitions ??
Sample data ??
It also would be very nice if you had a look at the HISTORY-tab and copied in some of the more interesting-looking queries …
peterlaursenParticipantThanks! I saw it!
But what do you wnat me to do with it ?
My thumbnail is different ! No aliases here.
I am also using 4.1
peterlaursenParticipantI don't think I have the infornation needed to understand your where-clause!
But to simplify things I created two tables “name9” and “user_information”
I have entered ID=1 and first_name = peter and last_name = laursen into one row.
all these 4 querries
select, ui.last_name, ui.first_name from user_information ui;
select, n.last_name, n.first_name from name9 n;
select, n.last_name, ui.first_name from name9 n, user_information ui;
select, n.last_name, ui.first_name from name9 n, user_information ui where n.first_name = ui.first_name;
id last_name first_name
1 laursen peter
Quote:In the Result tab, selecting any of the aliases generates a 'Table doesn't exist' error.I don't understand. In the result tab I can select the table names form the drop-down-box, not the alias.
There is no misspelling ?
peterlaursenParticipantthere are lots of workarounds, I believe
for instance this one
(b is tinyint, c is char)
ALTER TABLE and create tinyint field b
update tablename1 set b = 0 where c = 'n';
update tablename1 set b = 1 where c = 'y';
ALTER TABLE and delete charfield c
you can run this statement from “Notifications Service”., and even run it in batch-mode like
sja importjob.xml
sja convertjob.xml
peterlaursenParticipantand BTW …
the “workaround is there”. You can use the ODBC-tool!
peterlaursenParticipantBTW …
you can also use the ODBC-import tool to transfer data!
Even when versions are “too much different”.
You must then install and configure the MyODBC driver on your local machine to point to the database at your local that should be transferred.
You can actually configure the ODBC to do something very similar to a one-way-sync. Using ODBC is not as effective as the checksums-algorithm of the sync-tool, but – configured correctly – result will be the same.
peterlaursenParticipantI don't think you got the point ?!
Quote:(Select an existing connection…) is now in the drop down – was not there before.there is not connection named “(Select an existing conection)” 😮
peterlaursenParticipanttwo things then …
1) I thought you were talking about the “reorder colums” in the table context-menu. This should stay “reorder colums” an not only “reorder”. I don't mind the 3 dots in the dialogue box myself … (here they go again 😛 )
2) The problem is I believe that “!” is alphabetically before “normal alphanumerics” (numbers and letters) and also before “(“. Well yes, that is a small code bug!
peterlaursenParticipantboth issues confirmed!
peterlaursenParticipantReorder Columns
The “Reorder…” button should just be “Reorder”. A new window does not open when you click the button, therefore it should not have “…”
>>> I disagree. and a new window DOES open here!
Also, can this window be resizable or made bigger? It can be more tedious than it should be when reordering tables with numerous columns.
>>> I agree. Ritesh knows very well that I think that most dialogue boxes in SQLyog are too small. Especillay when you have very long names and dozens of colums.
Renaming a Connection
Rename a connection and in the Saved Connections drop down there becomes an item: (Select an existing connection…). Is this necessary? It seems to only appear when you rename a connection.
If you rename a connection with: eg. “!MeFirst” to cause it to become at the top of the list, the (Select an existing connection…) becomes the second item in the dropdown.
>>> I am not sure that I understand this! you can rename a connection by pressing the “…”-button next the the drop-down that displays the name.
Export SQL Syntax
Is there a reason for two spaces after PRIMARY KEY?
(Also displays in table Objects tab.)
>> I guess that is what SQLyog recieves from MySQL. You can have thousands of spaces and linefeeds if you want 😀