Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAnd you should ALLWAYS tell which MySQL version and SQLyog version you are using!
Participantwell it is the solution!
On which OS does the server run?
If it is windows, why not install SQLyog on it and manage usrs with it?
If it is not Windows, did you check if MySQL Administrator is available for that platform?
is “MySQLadmin” the the commandline MySQLadmin.exe? I don't know how to set up user privileges with this one!
This error message “host 'workstation's network name' is not allowed to connect to the MySQL server” is mysterious! You won't need “network names”. SQLyog connects through TCP-IP – not named pipes.
* User is not allowed to connect from the actual host. Note that MySQL by default only allows connection from 'localhost'. To specify from where a user may connect SQL wildcards (% and _) can be used. Simply 'someuser@%' means that user 'someuser' may connect from everywhere.
Please reply back if that was it. If it was I will add the error no. 1130 to the FAQ.
ParticipantYes … it works! 😀
I just did an extensive test with 4.2 and SSH-tunnelling between two machines. Among other things i also tested “copy database …” using SSH-tunneling. VIEWS and ROUTINES are transferred correctly when Database names are identical.
ParticipantAnd here comes a question that is also security related.
When SJA is running from a NT-based Client (NT, 2K or XP), I think there is no need that any user should be logged on. The scheduler is a service in the OS, and runs even if no user is logged on. The scheduled job must then run with “System” privileges. In that case the computer executing SJA must be turned on and just showing the logon screen. That is similar to the normal use of computers having Network Admin Software installed. You log out when you leave it!
Anybody tried that with the SJA?
I can research on it myself, but no need to if anybody knows the answer allready!
ParticipantThis reminds me …
There is an old user request pending that it should be an option NOT to fetch the password into Connections Manager. When more people use the same PC it is not much help that PWs are encrypted in the .ini file as long as anybody just can run the SQLyog program and choose a connection from the drop-down box.
That option (the option NOT to fetch the password into Connections Manager) should be protected with a “master password”, that also should be encrypted).
Security experts may be able to propose a better and more safe solution …
The unencrypted PW in XML-job-files are acceptable. Users can store their jobfiles in a protected area on disk. Several ways to do that.
ParticipantNope … it does not work that way!
When choosing “fill Excel-friendly values”
when csv is chosen it fills komma as seperator (where semicolon would be a better choice)
when clipboard is chosen it fills 't' (would probably mean TAB, and that may be OK)
ParticipantWell, then the program should optimally know if it is an export to this or that and adjust correspondingly!
I exported to a .csv with my example.
ParticipantAnd one thing more … (for Ritesh)
I think there should be a button to “restore C-style” or what ever you may call it.
I have tried myself to play around with this and really had trouble getting back to something reasonable! No doubt that CalEvans knows what is end-of string and end-of-cell end-of-line etc. encoding characters in various contexts, but we are a lot of people who don't!
We need a GUI 😀
ParticipantBTW …
Did you see the new “excel-friendly” feature of 4.2 Beta1.
The program HAS BEEN changed already!
ParticipantQuote:So there's really no need to change the program.Yes there is! If you use semicolon you simply doubleclick the file or drag-drop the file to the Excel program icon, and won't have to tell the program amything.
We have had at least 5 questions in this forum where people were messing around with importing to Excel, nad as soon as they used semicolon they had no porblems.
This is a special “Excel-friendly” feature. Then I think it should be Excel-friendly!
ParticipantYou can download and install the program demo. It includes a help file in compiled HTML (.chm -file). Further a FAQ is under construction.
ParticipantQuote:They are indivual inserts.That is the problem, I believe. A server configuration issue that re-negotiation of the connection for the execution of each insert is so slow.
Try a test: Export a subset of a database with about 100-500 KB of data in one insert statement import it again and see what happens.
Actually, if you use SQLyog for export you can have BULK insert statement or INDIVIDUAL insert statements. I miss the option to choose a BULK size myself. The default BULK size is almost 5 MB and that is too much for my server configuration, and using INDIVIDUAL statements is slow.
ParticipantTo me it sounds like the server is overloaded! Or just badly configured!
I have experienced write speed at my webhost at 6-8 KB/sec but not as low as 2 🙁
Sometimes load varies a lot depending on time of day or week.
BTW: How do the insert statements look like?
If there is one statement for each row, it can be MUCH slower than if the statements are longer. No matter … there is not much you can do about it this time.