Forum Replies Created
ParticipantFirst we have a FAQ item:
.. but it seems that you understood the basics.
Second: read the help file. “getting started”. Actually it is pretty good on SSH.
Third: the settings (1st and 2nd picture)below work fine here.
Quote:SSH host is my SSH domain host.It is not quite clear to mean what you mean with “SSH domain host”. Do you operate a domain-based LAN ? Or how should I understand
But actually I can enter the ip “”, the windows network name “METUSALEM” or “localhost” (or the ip that it resolves to, ie. “”) when connecteing through a SSH-server on the very same computer where both the server and the client runs.
Quote:I am trying to set up a tunnel to a remote mysql server. i can connect to the server using ssh from a console application. I am trying to connect up to the local mysql server via the SSH tunnelAre you connecting to local server or remote server or want to do both ?
third picture shows a setting that works from another computer using dyndns lookup. But here I also can use the ip or the windows network name.
ParticipantI don't remember if this new display format of TEXTs and BLOBs was introduced with 4.07 or 4.1.
But with a newer SQLyog you will still have to EDIT the text inside the BLOB-viewer. It only DISPLAYS in DATA/RESULT pane.
Varchars are handled more effectively by MySQL than are TEXTs. So if your data don't exceed max. varchar size (256 characters with MySQL 4. and before – more than 60.000 characteres with mySQL 5.0) and if you don't use them with an application that needs TEXT type, I would simply ALTER TABLE to make it VARCHAR.
And yes – I think you should upgrade. Improvements from 3.7 to 4.1/4.2 are too numerous to mention!
Participantbut @Ritesh
SQLyog itself seems to be smart enough to be able to work with both hash-formats ? Does it simply try both ?
ParticipantWell, yes of course.
On METUSALEM the database was originally created with MysQL 4.0
On DAISY it is a fresh 5.0 install-
So METUSALEM uses old-style hash and DAISY new-style.
And PHP distributed binaries (all of them) seem to have the old-style hash compiled into them.
A little bit more for the FAQ.
ParticipantNow look at this slightly adjusted script:
Code:Etablerer forbindelse til databasen“;
echo “Forbindelse til databasen etableret
$phpeter = phpversion();
$minapache = apache_get_version();echo “
Connection OK –
echo “
 –  PHP version is “;
echo “$phpeter“;
echo “Â – Â Apache version is “;
echo “$minapache“;
$database = “musik”;
echo “The database '”;
echo $database;
echo “' is selected“;
$vis = “SELECT count(*), kunstner, albumtitel FROM $database.mp3_filer WHERE kunstner = 'abaji' GROUP BY kunstner, albumtitel limit 1;”;
echo “Query goes as: >>>>
echo $vis;
echo ” >>>>“;
$resultat = mysql_query($vis) or die (mysql_error());
echo “Query succesfull
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat, MYSQL_NUM);
echo “Query result (formatted):
“;printf (“%s tracks in this album: Â “%s” ….. by artist: %s “,$row[0],$row[2],$row[1]);
echo ““;
?>Test it from my webhost:
and my local
This script used to run on local in both php_mysql and php_mysqli (with mySQL 4.1 and 5.0) versions. Now it does not run on any recent MySQL! And note the PHP version is the same (4.4.0) at both hosts!
PS: sorry that I forgot to change the language of text strings. Take it as a course in Danish!
ParticipantThings seem a little complicated:
computer METUSALEM allows for tunnelling (from itself, from DAISY and with a dyndns backloop) with both MySQL 5.0.12 and MySQL 5.0.13 and php 5.1 beta3.
computer DAISY does not allows for tunnelling (neither from itself, from METUSALEM nor with a dyndns backloop) with MySQL 5.0.13 and php 4.4.0.
The script above that used to work (in php_mysql and php_mysqli versions as well) does not work any more with neither MySQL 4.0.26. 4.1.13, 4.1.14, 5.0.12 or 5.0.13. However you can se that it is only php-mysql interface that is a problem. PHP-interpretation and query'ing Apache and php version works!
That is all I can do here!
Nobody else out there that could add some info to make the problem understandable?
ParticipantAdditional info.
It seems to be problems with MySQL 5.0.13 and php!
On the machine that was running 5.0.12 before I upgraded to 5.0.13. This machine runs php 5.1 beta3. And SQLyog tunnelling works. This machine runs php 5.1 beta. However now php_mysqli extension does not work on this machine anymore. It did before
The machine with the problem runs php 4.4.0.
And this simple test-script
Code:Connecting to database“;
$link = mysql_connect(“localhost”,”*****”,”******”);$mysqlver = mysql_get_server_info($link);
$phpeter = phpversion();
$minapache = apache_get_version();echo “
Connection OK –
echo “– MySQL version is – “;
echo “$mysqlver
echo ” – PHP version is “;
echo “$phpeter
echo ” – Apache version is “;
echo “$minapache“;
$database = “musik”;
echo “The database '”;
echo $database;
echo “' is selected“;
$vis = “SELECT count(*), kunstner, albumtitel FROM mp3_filer WHERE kunstner = 'abaji' GROUP BY kunstner, albumtitel limit 1;”;
echo “Query goes as: >>>>
echo $vis;
echo ” >>>>“;
$resultat = mysql_query($link,$vis) or die (mysql_error($link));
echo “Query succesfull
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat, MYSQLI_NUM);
echo “Query result (formatted):
“;printf (“%s tracks in this album: “%s” ….. by artist: %s “,$row[0],$row[2],$row[1]);
echo ““;
?>returns the same error. Did not before upgrade to MySQL 5.0.13.
ParticipantQuote:Do you have a tutorialThere is a help file included with the program. Menu item “help”. Start with “Getting started” 🙂
Quote:I cannot thell if I am connected or notWhen SQLyog starts the “Connection Manager” pops up. You enter the connectios details here, and press “Connect” (you may also “Test Connection”). You can open more connections from file..connect. For each connection a window opens in SQLyog . So I cant understand why you cannot tell if you are connected! If the windows opens, you are!
Quote:walk me through creating a dbWell .. again try the help file! To create a DB you can right-click in Object Browser Area or choose “menu .. create DB”
ParticipantI have no prolems sync'ing this SCHEMA!
What is the exact MySQL and php-version?
ParticipantYES !!
I propose that 4.3 will have a TAB more in connections manager named “locale settings”, with three possible choices.
1) use server default
2) use database default (will query locale settings from first database specified in “server” TAB
3) manual settings
It would be appropriate to introduce that with 4.3 (with Unicode support).
Maybe there are other connection-specific settings than local's that are relevant ?
check from .
Those “modes” can from MySQL 4.1 be operated independently by each connection/client
ParticipantWhen I start a new connection to MySQL 5.1 with SQLyog 4.2 beta2, RESULT tab shows:
show variables like '%character%'
Set character_set_connection=latin1
Set character_set_results=latin1
Set character_set_client=latin1
@ritesh: some questions1) I guess these values are the default server settings?
(fetch by the 'show variables' statement.
2) shouldn't it do this too:
SET collation_connection = @@collation_database
3) what pvutrix request is actual a tab more in connections manager with that sorts of settings. In case user has specified these parameters, they shall be used and “show variables like '%character%'” shall not be sent. Actually in an international environment I think it is quite important to be able to operate smoothly in more 'locales'. Comment ?
ParticipantFrom MySQL doc's
Participantsee Shdows' comment at the end.
did that do the trick.
“encoding” is not a word in MySQL terminology. It's purely a browser terminology.
ParticipantAttached picture shows how a TEXT/BLOB and a CHAR/VARCHAR should display in SLQyog. (this example is 4.2 beta but 4.1 is the same).
the most crazy thing is that it looks as if the button is wider than the column with your system. A little bigger screendump would be usefull!
Addditional questions:
What windows version are you using ?
Ever had other problems with display of GUI elements ?