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Hi there!
I got it. In usermanager I have to define for each user to authenticate this user via LDAP.
It would be nice, to define in AD a group and to allow all menbers of the group to sign in. It this possible? Otherwise I have to do the definitions for each user…
I'm using the new SqlYog Version 10.5 with direct MySQL connection
pestMemberNow there was an error like described first:
MySQL Error 1064: EXPLAIN LIMIT 0, 1000
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ SET PROFILING = 1;
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ SET profiling_history_size = 0;
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ SET profiling_history_size = 15;
/*[13:22:26][2 ms]*/ SHOW STATUS;
/*[13:22:26][14 ms]*/ SELECT proz.`id`, .proz.`name` AS Wafer FROM `produktion`.`prozess` proz WHERE proz.`erledigt` IS NULL AND proz.`prioritaet`<4 AND proz.`starttimestamp` IS NULL AND proz.`naechster_schritt_basisschritt` IS NOT NULL LIMIT 0, 1000;
/*[13:22:26][1 ms]*/ SHOW STATUS;
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ SHOW PROFILES;
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ SELECT state, ROUND(SUM(duration),5) AS `duration (summed) in sec` FROM information_schema.profiling WHERE query_id = 370 GROUP BY state ORDER BY `duration (summed) in sec` DESC;
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ SET PROFILING = 0;
/*[13:22:26][0 ms]*/ EXPLAIN LIMIT 0, 1000;
MySQL Version: 5.5.27
pestMemberHi there!
I turned the feature on again to get errors again.
Here is the first:
(I'm not able to upload jpeg, so I will describe: When execute the follwing query I get an MySQL Error 1064. Here is the History
/*[12:19:19][0 ms]*/ SHOW PROFILES;
/*[12:19:19][0 ms]*/ SELECT state, ROUND(SUM(duration),5) AS `duration (summed) in sec` FROM information_schema.profiling WHERE query_id = 89 GROUP BY state ORDER BY `duration (summed) in sec` DESC;
/*[12:19:19][0 ms]*/ SET PROFILING = 0;
/*[12:19:19][2 ms]*/ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `__pb2__`;
/*[12:19:21][0 ms]*/ EXPLAIN FROM produktion.`__pb2__` prozbe LEFT JOIN produktion.`__pb2__` prozbe2 ON (prozbe.prozessid=prozbe2.`prozessid` AND prozbe.schrittnr_modul=prozbe2.`schrittnr_modul` AND prozbe2.`timekind`=”end”) LEFT JOIN `produktion`.`modul` mo ON ( = prozbe.modulid) LEFT JOIN `userverwaltung`.`technologie` te ON (te.idtechnologie=mo.idtechnologie) WHERE prozbe.timekind='start' AND prozbe2.`timekind` IS NULL HAVING IF(te.`DurchlaufMax_h` IS NULL,1,Dauer<2*te.`DurchlaufMax_h`) ) AS a GROUP BY technologie LIMIT 0, 1000;
Seems that he drops the first word from the statement…
It was possible to produce this error on the following MySQL-Versions: