Unsupported Screen Size: The viewport size is too small for the theme to render properly.

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  • in reply to: #27283
    Do you really want to drop views?

    Do you really want to drop stored procedures etc?

    If want to avoid this we need to issue query(s) to check whether views/stored procedures present in database. Unnecessarily that slows the process.

    This issue is already in our bug tracker, we will try to come up with a better solution.

    in reply to: #27210

    Thanks for using SQLyog and reporting issues.

    This is a known issue with our tokenizer and we entered into our bug tracker. There are issues now, those got priority in the list to be moved with SQLyog 7.1 final, we will consider this after that.

    in reply to: #27148


    Usually the status 'Compare Unsuccessful' will be displayed situations like MySQL server has gone away or any network problem if use remote connection.

    Can I understand from your post that you got 'Compare Unsuccessful' after 'Comparing stored proc' ? If so the tables compare processes was successful otherwise 'Compare Unsuccessful' would have shown just after 'Comparing Tables'.

    There is no Message, etc.

    Can you please explain this?

    We have tested the test case you gave, but not reproducible. So Can I ask you to confirm the issue again with the same test case.

    If shows 'Compare Unsuccessful' try 'Compare' again.

    And let us know the status.

    Are you using direct, ssh or http connection? Connecting to remote host or local host? also tell the MySQL version.


    in reply to: #27102


    We have checked this issue but its not reproducible.

    We will look into this in detail.

    Please provide the following informations.

    Have you never got this issue before upgrading to 7.02?

    Is this consistently reproducible for you? If so please tell the steps to reproduce this.

    Are you using direct, ssh or http connection?

    Do you work with localhost or remote host?

    Can you please uncheck the Schema designer option in Tools->Preferences->Powertools->Default tabs. And let us know still the issue is persistent.

    in reply to: #27069


    Could you please answer questions given below?

    Which version of SQLyog you installed, uninstalled and trying to install again?

    What invalid information you entered in to SQLyog? You mean the Connection details? If so you have to do the steps given below. If not please explain how to reproduce it?

    SQLyog got an sqlyog.ini file used to keep the connection details you saved, preference settings, and dialog persistances. Since SQLyog version 6.06 the .ini file stored in Appdata folder.

    This .ini file never delete when you uninstall the SQLyog . So please go where your .ini file is and just rename it or delete it, and start SQLyog again.

    You can find sqlyog.ini file in

    for XP C:Documents and Settings{user}Application DataSQLyog

    for Vista : C:Users{user}AppDataRoamingSQLyog

    in reply to: #26962

    Also tell What type of connection you are using – direct, ssh, or http ?

    in reply to: #26493


    We had discussed the issues you have reported regarding Resize() function in FrameWindow.cpp that causes 'a lot of desktop flicker'

    As you have reported there were issues while resizing the main window. The InvalidateRect gets called whenever resizes the mainwindow that makes some other desktop applications also flicker.

    We have changed this function in 7.0 RC2 trunk by limiting to call InvalidateRect only when the main window gets maximized.

    7.0 RC2 will be out by 2 or 3 days, please check and let us know the status

    We are thankful to you for reporting the issue and looked into the code.

    in reply to: #26082

    We just released 6.5 Beta 1.

    Pls check


    in reply to: #25604


    ToDo list means all requested features that are not yet implemented. We will implement once we discussed and set the priority. Its not like 6 months or 1 year but depends on complexity and importance.

Viewing 9 posts - 136 through 144 (of 144 total)