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  • in reply to: Encoding Problems #31937

    Hi people.

    I found solution 😛

    Problem was in jdbc connection string.

    jdbc:mysql://localhost/some_db means that if encoding is not eyxplicitly specified jdbc will use deault system codepage.

    Therefroe in my case will convert java utf8 string to windows-1250 and send to mysql database with utf8 charset.

    But when I set connection string as jdbc:mysql://localhost/some_db?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8

    jdbc will encode java string to utf8 and send to mysql database…


    in reply to: Encoding Problems #31934

    I didn't say tha sqlyog makes problems. On the contrary with sqlyog works great. When I write characters “ČčĆćĐđ” through sqlyog

    as table data and save them they encode correctly in mysql database.

    Problem is with my java app. So I am confused and I know that you are professionals so I write post here.

    I make database with sqlyog and set charset utf8, collation utf8_unicode_ci.

    Then I enter string “ČčĆćĐđ” in my Java app. I save to database and I got ??????

    I assume that java default charset for my string is utf8.

    Any idea?

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