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  • in reply to: Sqlyog Lockup When Query Gets Terminated From Server Side #31318

    We've been running 8.5 and 8.6 and have seen this issue quite a bit. I'd thumb-up this request!!

    in reply to: Object Browser Linked With Editor #31354
    'peterlaursen' wrote on '21:

    This is actually a very good suggestion. However I do not think it should select in OB just because you place the mouse in a 'database`.`table` string. I think a shortcut or/and a context menu would be better (for some users it will be kind of flickering to select automatically, I think). I also have no idea of implementation and difficulties/efforts to implement this, but I think the 'Autocomplete' database has all information that is required.

    Please let us have a little time to discuss this.

    I understand how the automatic link would be annoying 🙂 I forgot to mention this part… In many editors there is an icon/option which can easily be toggled (similar to the “Pin” for pinning a window), which enables or disables auto-linking. This is in Visual Studio, Eclipse, XCode, etc. It's helpful when you want to use the context of the editor's contents to drill down right to the area in the filesystem that you would like to inspect. The toggle lets the user opt-in easily to that functionality without having to familiarize themselves with another key-command (but a key-command would also is a great idea). I occasionally disable this toggle when I want my object browser (file tree) to stay put.

    Thanks for the response!

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